Paddy x Read - Blind Date (Part 2)

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Y/n's POV

Once we were finally done eating we started our way towards the nearest movie theatre. It was only five minutes into the thirteen minute walk to the theatre and F/n and Adam were talking about their future plans with one another while Paddy and I gave each other weird looks when they'd say something outrageous.

"You'll look so beautiful in a wedding gown." Adam mused as he held F/n's hand swaying it back and forth. "You'll look amazing in a tux." F/n purred back dreamily. She then ripped her hand from Adam's and ran back a couple of feet to sling her arm around my left shoulder and firmly gripping my right arm.

"And you, my dear Y/n, will look pretty as my maid of honor!" She yelled at me with a gleeful expression. "And Paddy, you'd look so handsome as you and Y/n link arms going down the aisle as the best man!" F/n squealed as she lightly pushed me in Paddy's direction.

As light as she had pushed me, I somehow managed to trip over my feet. "Nyeg!" I screeched as I grabbed onto Paddy for support.

He wrapped his left arm around me so I wouldn't fall back.

"God damnit F/n! Sorry Paddy, but the asshole to my left right there had felt the need to push me!" I yelled the last part giving F/n a glare.

"Aw, look at that, Adam! They're already falling for each other!" F/n squealed with a love filled smile.

Adam gave a little chuckle and nodded along. I rolled my eyes and started up another conversation with Paddy.

"So what are your brothers like?" I asked looking over at him. He thought for a moment with a smile across his face. "They're great really. I love them all, even if they are annoying. Tom can be a bit cocky sometimes. Sam is rather hyper a lot I guess. And Harry. He's the exciting one I guess." he laughed a little. I smiled and looked ahead.

~~~~~~~~Time skip to the movie theatre~~~~~~~~

We all sat in a line in the third row from the top waiting for the movie to start. Adam was sitting on the end with F/n to his left, while I sat to her left, and Paddy sitting to my left. Adam and F/n were cuddling while talking about what else to do tonight and Paddy and I were trying to see who can fit more popcorn in their mouth.

"Gah nah! (Thirty)" I yelled with an entire pile of popcorn in my mouth. Paddy tried stick another piece in his after I yelled and ended up choking and spitting the almost thirty-one pieces of popcorn out of his mouth.

I fit one more piece in my mouth before accidentally spitting them all out from laughing at Paddy's disappointed look. Which then turned into surprise as most of the popcorn had landed on him.

"What the hell!?" He yelled looking at me. I was still laughing my ass off at this because his face was rather priceless. "Ewww, Y/n, this is your first date with him and you're already acting like a llama." F/n said laughing at the little inside joke her and I had from seven years ago.

This being said, I laughed even harder than before. And so was F/n

Adam and Paddy were both confused as to why we were laughing. F/n was clinging onto Adam like a life line because of how much air she lost from laughing for so long and with how loud she was.

While I on the other hand had my face dug into Paddy's chest while wheezing uncontrollably. He was still confused but laughed nonetheless at our state. He was patting my head to get me to quiet down a bit and it was working quite well.

Once I was only breathing heavily with the occasional chuckle, he had leaned his head down to whisper in my ear.

"Be a little more quiet, yeah? The movies about to start and I think other people are quite annoyed." I nodded my head a bit with my face still buried into his chest. After a minute I had lifted my head a bit off his chest to look at the screen and he moved his hand onto my right shoulder.

"Your laugh is cute." He murmured quietly in my left ear. My face heated up a bit as I felt his warm breath on my neck and ear as he said this.

"Yeah, whatever. Just watch the movie. And with that I adjusted in my seat so the left side of my back was against his chest and he had his arm draped over my shoulder.

~~~~Time skip~~~~

"So here's my number, call me before you leave and text me once you get here. And do NOT forget to bring some movies you want to watch." Paddy told me as he handed me back my phone with his contact now put in it.

I put my phone in my pocket as he grabbed my left hand and pulled me closer to his chest.

I smiled and looked up at his grin. His eyes seemed to sparkle a bit more in the moonlight. While I was admiring him he snaked his right arm around my waist pulling me closer than before.

"And I will see you tomorrow for our first date alone. Hopefully my brothers don't scare you off before we can have fun." He said with a wider grin.

I wrapped my free hand on the side of his neck pulling his head a bit down. "If anything I'll scare them off. And maybe we can have a bit more fun tomorrow than originally planned." I said with a cheshire grin.

"Alright, I need to head home. I love you." He leaned in and kissed the top of my forehead before pulling away walking over to Adam who was still saying his goodbye to F/n.

As Paddy and Adam were walking away F/n and I talked about how much fun we could have going on double dates.

~~~~~Extended ending~~~~~

~~~~Time skip to the first date alone~~~~

As we finished our eighth movie of our marvel marathon we started to lean in towards each other seeing as the end was a love scene.

Just as we were about to place our lips together his door burst open.

"Paddy, where did you put my spide-" A male that looked to be in his late teens or early twenties started yelling. "Oh. I didn't know you had a girlfriend. Hi there, I'm-" Paddy cut him off before he could introduce himself. "Get out Tom! You're such a cockblock!" Paddy yelled as he violently threw a pillow at the other male.

'Tom' ducked and waved a bit at me before shutting the door again.

I giggled a little and looked at Paddy. "Whoever said we wouldn't start again?" I asked playfully. Paddy smirked and leaned in once more.

Yeah you guys don't get to witness the end lol. Sorry it took to long, I kinda sorta maybe forgot to press 'PUBLISH' ehehe

Yeah that's all folks, don't forget to follow my Instagram account! Byeeeeeeee

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