Paddy x reader ~ Just friends

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This was requested by.... I forget. I dunno, but I'm sorry, it's most likely not what you wanted but I tried. Enjoy reading it though:/


I was getting ready to head over to my best friends, Paddy, house. Him and I have been best friends since we were little. My brother and his always tease us and say things like "How's your boyfriend?" "Don't have too much fun." "When's the wedding?" "WEAR PROTECTION!".

Since my brother Haz and Paddy's brother Tom are best friends we were basically raised together. Along with him and I being best friends, I have a little crush on him. But I can't help it! He's a sweet, funny, cute, smol boy!

Haz and I are about to head over to the Holland's house right now in fact. I was just now putting on my black high top converse when Haz came in.

"Excited to see your boyfriend? Just remember though, don't have too much fun up in his room." He winked. "I could say the same to you. If I hear one moan come out of Tom's mouth, I'll make sure to cock block you."

He glared at me then grabbed his keys. I finished lacing up my shoes then we headed out to his car.

~~~~Time skip to when you're le Holland's house.~~~~

I ran through the door and screamed, "What's up, fuckers?" Nikki and Dom were with some other friends so it's fine. Sam and Harry were in the kitchen while Tom was on the couch on his phone.

They looked over at me. Harry smirked and waved. Sam Smiled and said, "Hey you little div. Come to see your boyfriend again?" Tom and Harry smirked at the little comment.

"No, but Haz came to see his." I smirked. The twins laughed and Tom acted all happy.

"Aw! He wanted to see me? I missed him too!" He yelled jokingly. At that moment, Haz decided to walk in. "Haz! Baby! I missed you!" Haz looked up and rolled his eyes.

"Tom, hunny, I missed you too!" You could hear the sarcasm in his voice. "Hey, Paddy's in his room, right?" I asked looking at Tom. Tom smirked and looked at the twins then to Haz. They all had a smirk across their faces.

"PADDY, YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS HERE!!!!!!!" They all screamed in unison. We heard a bang and a door open. "For the last time, I do not have a girlfriend you divs!" Paddy yelled from his room.

"Not yet you don't!" Harry yelled

Paddy came running down the stairs, his auburn brown hair bouncing with each step and his hazel eyes fixed on his feet. His freckles popped on his pale skin. When he reached the bottom step he looked up and smiled at me. As he smiled dimples showed on his cheeks and his eyes brightened a little.

To say he was perfect, would be an understatement... At least in my opinion.

"Hey, Y/N, stop your drooling. I know you love him, but control yourself." Tom said turning on the television. I subconsciously wiped my mouth and looked at the floor. The boys laughed and Paddy grabbed my hand dragging me behind him up the stairs.

"Use protection!" Sam yelled from the kitchen. "Shut up!" Paddy yelled. I just rolled my eyes and let him drag me into his room. We got in and he closed the door. "So what are we doing today?" I asked sitting on his bed. He shrugged his shoulders and sat next to me.

"Wanna play would you rather?" I asked looking over at him. "Yeah, sure." I turned sideways to face him and crossed my legs.Alright. I'll go first with a hard one. Would you rather hangout with me or the girl you fancy?" He froze and his eyes widened. He looked away and blushed.

Not gonna lie. I hope he'll say me.

"What's the difference?" He mumbled so quiet I could barely hear it. My eyes widened. "Excuse me?" I asked, a knot growing in my stomach.

'Does this little perfect smol bean that deserves love and affection just say he likes me?' I thought to myself as I cleared my throat that suddenly went dry.

He didn't look back at me. "Paddy... Do you, or do you not fancy me?" My hope is just slowly dying right now so that's great.

"Look, Y/N, I have liked you since we were seven. I never wanted to tell you but I guess now is great enough of a time to tell. Look, I love you. I want to be with you. I-i want you to feel the same way, but I understand if you don't. It was stupid of me to even tel-"

I cut him off by kissing him. I closed my eyes and let my lips stay pushed against his perfect pink ones. It took him a couple of seconds to kiss back but he finally did. He closed his eyes pushing his lips, with as much force as I was, against my lips. I hooked my hands around his neck playing with the ends of his curly auburn hair.

His hands snaked their way around my waist pulling me closer to him.

After about a minute of patiently kissing each other we pulled away. "Love you too." I said before hearing four girl like squeals. Our head shot towards the door to see the other Holland boys and my brother fan girling.

"IT HAPPENED!" Sam yelled cupping his cheeks. "The OTP has happened!" Harry yelled throwing his fist into the air. "AAAWWWWWW" Tom and Haz squealed hugging each other.

"OUT!" Paddy and I screamed at them. "They all giggled like little school girls whispering to each other. Before Tom left with them he poked his head through the door saying, "Don't get too crazy." winked and left.

Paddy was as red as a tomato, I probably matched him right now though.

"Girlfriend?" He squeaked out looking over at me. I grinned from ear to ear. "Yes." He smirked and pulled into another kiss.

Word count: 992. Really sorry for not updating. I do plan on updating sometime this weekend so yee. BTW, thanks to the people who are reading this, really appreciate it. And the person who requested this, still sorry if you don't like it.
That's all for now, bye bbs!

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