Tom x reader ~ After Care

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Y/n's POV

I was laying in my shared bed alone as Tom was in the bathroom taking a shower. We had just finished our weekly night of sex. But tonight was rougher than the others. Tom had suggested tonight we roleplay and that he'd be a king, while I a servant.

There's nothing wrong with role-playing, but he had let it go to his mind. Me personally, I'm up for rough sex and degrading, but tonight he took them both a little too far.

I had quivered into a fetus position as tears rolled down my cheeks. I could hear Tom open the shampoo bottle from within the shower.

He had said some rather hurtful things tonight. Of course he'd never mean it, but my mind was going against me at the moment.

We have a safe word, but I didn't use it. I know I should have, you always should when you're hurting or uncomfortable, but I didn't want to ruin his fun.

My mind replayed some of tonight's events and more tears poored out. My body was aching from how hard he was. I softly wipe my eyes and hug my arms for a sense of comfort.

Most nights Tom would stay with me and make sure I'm ok, but tonight wasn't one of those nights. Which is hard, because this is the toughest he's ever been. I heard another bottle open from the bathroom Tom was in.

'Must be the conditioner.' I thought.

I mentally debated if I should call out to him for comfort or not.

'On one hand, I'd feel better. On the other I'd be bothering him. ' another strong ache filled my body as I slightly moved my legs so one over lapped the other.

'The one hand. We're going with the one hand. ' I thought squeezing my eyes shut at the pain.

"Tommy?" My voice groggily croaked out. I held my left hand over my stomach to relieve a bit of pain.

"Yes darling?" His strong sweet voice called back.

I could hear him rinsing out his hair of conditioner.

"It hurts!" I croaked out once more.

A pain shot through my body as my voice rung through the air, causing me to give out a quiet groan.

The water suddenly stopped and a loud screech came from the shower curtains being forced open.  I could hear a loud bang and a soft "shit" come from the bathroom.

A small smile formed on my lips at the thought of him falling out of the shower.

"I'm coming darling!" He yelled out to me. I sniffled a bit as my eyes began filling with water once more.

His figure quickly rushed out of the bathroom that was placed on the opposing wall of the bed. He ran around the king sized bed and crouched next to my slightly shaking form.

The pure white towel was tightly secured around his waist covering his member. He brought his right hand close to my face and cupped the left cheek.

His puppy dog eyes filled with worry as he looked into my e/c orbs. His hair had little ringlets of water falling from the tips as he looked down at me.

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart! I didn't mean to leave you! " His calming voice was threaded with concern. He rubbed his thumb along my cheek as he leaned in giving my forehead a soft kiss.

He abruptly stood and ran back into the bathroom. "Tommy?" I called out softly.

"Don't worry darling! I'm coming right back, ok?" He replied as the mirror opened revealing a cabinet behind. I heard him pluck a bottle full of pills out before rushing back to the bedside.

"I'll go get you some water, darling." He cooed with a gently smile. I nodded my head and grasped his right hand giving the palm a kiss before he turned and walked out the door most likely going downstairs to the kitchen.

I slowly lifted my body up to lean against the head board. Hissing in pain every few seconds before finally relaxing. I reached my hand out to the bottle of pills and gently picked it up reading the lable.

'Pain killers' I thought with a smile.

I heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs before my beloved walked in holding a clear glass of ice water just as promised.  He neared me and slowly sat on the edge of the bed before gently handing me the glass and taking the pill bottle. I took a short sip of the beverage and started to feel slightly better already.

He opened the bottle with a soft pop coming from it before shaking out a small hand full and then proceeding to put all of them back except two.  He slowly brought it up to my lips and whispered a soft "open".  I did as told and he slid the two pain relievers into my mouth before I quickly took another sip of water.

"I'll go get us something to wear and then we can go off to sleep, alright princess?" His soft tone sent warmth to my cheeks as I nodded my head. He lifted his right hand and gently stroked the top left side of my head before leaning in to kiss my forehead.  His lips lingered before finally breaking away and heading to the closet.

I gazed at his muscular back while drinking the rest of the water that he had handed me.  I gently laid the glass down before scooting downward and turning to lie on my left side. 

A soft grin played across my face knowing that Tommy was worried and cared. 

"Darling," his voice played from behind me,  "can you sit up for me?" I raised myself to sitting level and looked into his chocolate eyes that always warmed my heart.

He gently pulled one of his loose fitting shirts over my head before bringing it all the way down. 

"You ok?" His voice rang as he played with the fabric.  I nodded and grabbed his hand while humming a "mhm".  My fingers danced around before interlacing with his and I brought our hands to my lips before kissing his knuckles sweetly.

"Get in bed sweetheart." I softly whispered to him. He squeezed my hand and let go before walking around the bed and quickly crawling in.  He scoot closer towards me and held open his arms.

I maneuvered my way close bringing my left arm under his waist and my right going on top.  His strong arms wrapped around my head and shoulders bringing me closer to his warm hold.  I snuggled closer and released a sigh.

"Good night, tom."

"Good night, N/n"

1120 words

A/N. Hey y'all, sorry for such the long wait, I really have no excuse, yet here we are. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed:)

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