Saiki Kusuo: Origin

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POV: Nezu

Time: 14 years ago

Place: The Hero Public Safety Commision Main Bulding

I was summoned by Madam President of the Hero Public Safety Commision. I didn't expect to be summoned here again ever since I was approved to be a teacher at U.A. High School. And to be called by the president herself. It must be something important. I wait outside of the meeting room to be called in.

President: You may come in.

I complied to her request to see the President waiting for me at the other side of the room sitting behind her desk. I sit at the chair facing her.

P: Thank you for responding to my sudden call, Mr. Nezu.

Nezu: Think nothing of it, Madam President. But I do agree that the summon was unexpected. I hope it isn't about bringing me back on the field.

P: I could never, I am aware of your mental state and you volunteering to be an educator for the younger generation.

P: The reason for it it's because the subject of this meeting was also brought up without notice.

N: What is the issue, Madam President?

The President stood up from her seat, presses the remote to darken the room and turns on the projector.

P: As you know, identifying the existence of a quirk is simple through observing the amount of joints in their pinky toe. But one element of quirks that isn't brought up often are quirk factors, the collective physical and genetic traits that compose a person's Quirk. This is mainly because all quirk factors function similarly, which focuses on a person's singular primary Quirk Power. It is unthinkable for a person to have multiple quirks, as even having one quirk puts strain on a quirk user's body. 

P:  But on August 16, we received a boy's medical record that seemed normal at first, but our DNA analysts found this.

The president presses the button and shows a list of 30 quirks:

1. Apport

2. Astral Projection

3. Bilocation

4. Clairvoyance

5. Cryokinesis

6. Curse

7. Electrokinesis

8. Levitation

9. Flight

10. Hydrokinesis

11. Hypnosis

12. Invisibility

13. Mediumship

14. Memory Alteration 

15. Mind Control

16. Petrification

17. Precognition

18. Psychic Hold

19. Telekinesis

20. Psychometry

21. Pyrokinesis

22. Restoration

23. Size Augmentation

24. Super Strength

25. Telepathy

26. Teleportation 

27. Thoughtography

28. Time Travel

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