What Am I Gonna Do Now?

162 8 2


Placement: Number 6.

Name: Saiki Kusuo

Villain Points: 32

Rescue Points: 31


I make it to Class 1-A's gigantic door and open to see the same stickler that confronted Midoriya. 

Iida: Oh! From the battle centre. Nice to see you again, I am from Somei Private Academy. My name is Tenya Iida. 

And he lends his hand in a quick manner. I paused a bit before returning his greeting.

S:...Saiki Kusuo.

Ii: Your mouth isn't moving. Are you speaking directly to my mind?

S: Yeah, that's my quirk.

Ii: That's an interesting quirk-

Before Tenya could continue, the giant door slams open behind me, which sounded familiar. I turn around and see the same angry face I saw back in Aldera Junior High, which is Bakugo. We both look at each other in the eye and I'm returned with an annoyed glare. A glare that screams,

"Of course I see him again."

At least the feeling's mutual. Bakugo walks past us and sits as his assigned seat with his feet on the desk how he usually sits. While Tenya approaches him due to his lack of discipline, I sit at my assigned seat, seat number 11. Our homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa arrives while Tenya, Midoriya and Uraraka were talking when the latter two enter the class.

Aizawa: I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa. Nice to meet you. 

A: It's kind of sudden, but put on your sports uniforms and go to the field.

When we made it to the field, Aizawa sensei puts us through eight physical tests with our quirks and threatens that whoever is in last place will be expelled. While everyone else was surprised and scared, I wasn't worried because with my current abilities, it's nearly impossible for me to end up in that scenario.

The only moment worth mentioning is Midoriya getting a good distance in his ball throw by only using his self-destructive quirk on his finger. Throughout the whole test, Midoriya has struggled with every other test since he couldn't control his quirk, so that was nice to see. 

B: What the hell...where did you get that quirk, Deku, you bastard!

I turn to see Bakugo's hand spark from his quirk. He immediately charges to Midoriya with clear hostile intent but was stopped by Aizawa sensei with his quirk that can disable other quirks and his binding cloth made with carbon fiber, steel wires and special alloy. 

I wonder what would happen if he used his quirk on me? 

After the tests, the results show that my ranking is...11th place. Perfectly middle as I wanted. 

A: Don't worry, the expulsion was a lie was a lie. It was a rational deception to encourage you to use your quirks to it's fullest potential.

Midoriya who looked heartbroken from his bottom placement was in colorless shock. At least he isn't expelled, would've been troublesome since he has All Might's quirk.

After school...

M: I'm so tired...

S: She had to heal your hand somehow.

A hand pats on Midoriya's shoulder from behind. We turn around and it's Iida.

Ii: Is your finger okay?

The Psychic in the Hero Academy (Saiki Kusuo in the My Hero Academia World)Where stories live. Discover now