Do I Want to Be A Hero?

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Three Days Ago...

POV: Saiki Kusuo

Two years have passed by and it's already the last year of junior high. Midoriya and I have been quite acquainted. Acquainted being Midoriya being comfortably open with talking to me about the pro heroes he sees daily and me just listening to him the entire time. 

Bakugo just sees me as a side character that Midoriya likes to talk to.

And Teruhashi-

Teruhashi: Kusuo,

I mean, Kokomi, confessed her feelings for me last year and we've been dating ever since.

T: Have you decided on which high school to go to?

S: Not really. 

T: Well if you're that indecisive, you can join me at PK Academy.

S: So you're not going to a hero school?

T: My older brother said that it's too dangerous for me.

S: That is something your older brother would say. It is dangerous for you to solely rely on your quirk to be a hero.

T: I would never expect you and my brother to actually agree on something.

S: It's about your safety after all, your brother might be a weirdo but he's still a decent brother at least.

T: Your brother isn't that normal either.

S: And I agree.

T: Does that mean that you're going to ask your parents?

S: Probably.

And a very nosy pro hero would want to know too.

T: Then I'll leave you to it.

Before Kokomi leaves the classroom, I ask her one more question.

S: Kokomi,

T: What is it?

S: Are you okay with me being in different schools with you?

Kokomi hesitates before answering,

T: Well, I won't be happy about it,

T: But if we manage to stay together, wouldn't that be the biggest proof of our love?

I almost blushed from her confession, she really changed from the prideful conceited girl that I used to know.

Present Time...

Teacher: I hope you all take your futures seriously, but I know that most you want to be heroes anyway, right?

And the whole class cheered from the excitement of being a pro hero. 

B: Teach! Don't compare me to these side characters.

Student 1: Why would you say that, Katsuki?!

T: Well, according to your handout, you want to go U.A. High, right, Bakugo?

Student 2: U.A. High School, the best hero school in Japan?!

B: That's right. I aced the mock test! and I'm the only one capable enough to get into U.A. And once I do, I'm going to be the number 1 pro hero, even better than All Might-

T: Midoriya and Saiki want to go to U.A. too.

The whole class became silent and start laughing at Midoriya upon hearing the news. They were that suprised that Midoriya wanted to go to U.A. that they forgot about me. As much as I feel bad, it is ununsual for a quirkless person to study in a hero school, let alone U.A. High. 

The Psychic in the Hero Academy (Saiki Kusuo in the My Hero Academia World)Where stories live. Discover now