Roaring Bravery

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POV: Saiki Kusuo

That was tiring. The last thing I wanted to do today was use one of my secret quirks against a random villain. I want something to recover. Now that I think about it, there's a sale for coffee jelly at the Tatooin Shopping District. I'll just buy some and go home for the day. I hope Kokomi is safe. 

15 minutes later...

I exit the store and a burning piece of wood falls in front of me. I look around, and the market is covered in flames and everyone is running away.

Good grief. I can't catch a break.

I find the source of the fire and it was the same sludge villain that attacked me earlier today. I'm surprised that he managed to get away from All Might. I'm also surpised that a pile of sludge was able to do this much damage to the district. The villain notices me looking at him with one of his big yellow eyes. When he turns to me, I noticed that someone was trapped by the villain. When I took a closer look,

It was Bakugo.

Villain: You're the brat from before!

Bakugo looks around and sees me in front of him. I notice him panic from my presence. The same person that he butts heads with and calls a side character is watching him hopelessly captured by a villain. 


Bakugo recklessly uses his quirk, damaging the buildings around him, making the place even worse. Meanwhile, the villain is focused on me, and is weirdly vengeful.

V: I'll get you this time!

The villain tries relentlessly to grab me but I dodge him every time. I'm not risking using my telekinesis again since Bakugo is here. 

I somehow managed to buy enough time for some pro heroes to arrive at the scene. I recognise most of them because of Midoriya.

Death Arms: A child is taken hostage! There's also another child being attacked by the villain!

Civillian: The child couldn't run away because he was distracting the villain the entire time!

Slugger: That's impressive.

Kamui Woods: Now's not the time, we need to save them!

Death Arms: Leave it to me!

Death Arms jumps and tries to punch the villain, but the punch was negated by the villain's liquid body. The villain tries to trap Death Arms as well, but I grab the villain's tentacles and hold it down.

DA: What are you doing?!


The villain lifts me up and throws me to the wall of one of the buildings.

DA: Kid! 

The villain also hits Death Arms to a steel shutter door while he was distracted. 

This is such a pain. I might as well use my cryokinesis and just freeze this villain solid-


I hesitate from Death Arm's scream. I look to the crowd and see another student running towards us.

It was Midoriya. Despite him running towards the villain, he looked scared at the same time. Midoriya throws his bag and his belongings towards the villain to blind him. When he made it to Bakugo, he starts hopelessly clawing at the villain's body. 

B: What are you doing here?!

Midoriya: I don't know...but I can't just leave you here!


V: Get lost!

DA: Save him!

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blows to the villain. All Might arrives in the nick of time to save Midoriya. 

All Might: DETROIT SMASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All Might punches the villain away with a strong gust of wind to the point that it created a tornado. While everyone was protecting themselves from the wind, I took the opportunity to teleport back home. Dad welcomes me back home but then notices my singed clothes.

Dad: Oh welcome back Kusuo-WHAT HAPPENED?!

Meanwhile I'm worried about being lectured by Mr. Nezu. I'm also pretty upset that I had to leave my coffee jelly behind.

POV: Slugger

We collect the scattered sludge and sent them to the police. After dealing with the media and every other news reporter went to All Might, Death Arms and Kamui Woods were telling one of the boys off for running to the villain. Especially when we learned that he was quirkless. Another Pro Hero and I were checking on the boy that was trapped by the villain. The other pro hero was amazed by his quirk.

Pro Hero: Your quirk was awesome! I'd love to have you at my agency when you go pro!

Slugger: Speaking of, Death Arms!

Death Arms stopped scolding the quirkless kid.

DA: What is it?

Sl: Where did the other kid go?

M: Other kid?

B: Saiki was there too...he was distracting the villain the whole time so everyone could escape.

M: Saiki?!

ProH: Really?! His quirk must be impressive too!

M: But...his quirk is that he can communicate with others with his mind. 

Wooden Kamui: So he doesn't have any physical enhancement quirk?

DA: That doesn't add up, he was able to dodge that villain's attacks and even hold him off.

WK: And it's the same villain that managed to hit Death Arms away.

DA: That also makes me worried. The last time I saw him the villain threw him to a wall. He just disappeared after All Might defeated him. 

M: Is he going to be okay?

?: He'll be alright.

Everyone turned to see Nezu approaching us. 

WK: What brings you here, Nezu-san?

Nezu: I was checking out the situation and I found Ku...the boy injured, so I immediately brought him to the hospital.

M: Is he going to be okay?

Nezu responds with a warm smile.

N: He will be fine.

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