Fresh x or x Ripe

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"Congratulations on reaching floor 200, here is your information and disclosure agreement."

I skim the paperwork as a few men stand nearby, they look like they are about to do something they shouldn't, not that it's my responsibility to watch them.

"Thank you, and here is the key to your room. Please enjoy your stay and happy fighting!"

The men that were watching my crept silently towards me only to stand directly behind me in line.

"Can I help you?" I ask as kindly as possible.

"Perhaps, we were just waiting to sign up for a fight."

"With me?"

"That would be nice, wouldn't it."

I turn back to the window and whisper "Go ahead."

I walk towards my new room with key in hand. The door unlocks with a click and I almost drop the keys when an all too familiar feeling appears somewhere nearby. I just came from the desk so it must be the other way!

I turn quickly and begin to run down the hall as the presence fades away.

"No. Wait!" I reach the end of the hall and look both directions but ni one is there. I can feel my face fall sadly as I turn back towards my room in defeat.

"I'm here....why do you still run?"

My arm shakes visibly as I hide in a dark corner. I can't make it stop. Ohhh, but it's so good I don't want to~ No, I need her to be ripe, I can't spoil this fruit, it's the sweetest cherry of them all.

I back farther into the corner as she walks by with a depressed look in her face.

"I'm here...." Her whisper almost went unnoticed "..why do you still run?"

Something snaps inside me and I almost break cover to pick her up in my arms. But that's silly, because she hasn't fallen from the vine yet...but then again my brain seems jumbled up. After all, today is the day those two arrive, and what better timing on their part, after all, this may be over by then.

I flip through the channels when I get a call from Wing-san.

"Yes.... yes.... of got it! Bye-bye Wing-san!"

I slap the phone down and grab a glass off the counter. He wants me to practice, so that's what I'll do, I can't think of anything better to fill my time than to get stronger.

Here we go!

● □ 8×

"They gave me money?"

"They give everyone enough to get a drink no matter what floor they are going to."

"Hey look, there is the elevator."

"Huff. Why is it so hard to concentrate? It's not even difficult!"

I throw my hands up and stomp to the door. This can't be good for my health. I look back to the pieces of paper spewed about. I don't know if it will work but...

I danced into the elevator and the bell hop smiles tiredly. I smile back and ask for ground floor.

"Hard day?"

I know they aren't supposed to talk with guests, but that didn't stop me. This bell hop stands a good foot taller than me. Her beautiful black hair shoved into a corny pink hat. Her large brown eyes looked young and vibrant, the opposite of the bags under her eyes.

"A three day course unfortunately."

"What happened?"

She gave me an exhaustive glance and began rubbing the bridge of her nose "First my sister called to tell me she ran off with a man so I had to find a new place, then my boyfriend who I started moving in with told me he wants a break, so I had to find another place, then yesterday I got permission to sleep in employee housing downstairs, but since no pets are allowed I have to find a home by tonight for my bird."

"Wow, that really is a three course meal of bad luck. What kind of bird?"

"Well, a woman on the street sold her to me, she said it was a foreign hawk of some kind, but since it's so small it passes checks."

"A meat eater, huh?"


"Does it have a blue-ish belly?"

"How did you know?"

"I used to own one, but she died when I was three. Aren't guests allowed pets?"

"Yes. Why do you ask?"

"I would love company, even if it's only until you find her a permanent home. What's the name?"

"I call him Kaddy, it's short for Abra-Kadabra. That's his name. Are you sure you want the responsibility?"

Time skip, evening

"This is him, were you waiting long? I got off a little late."

"No, I just came downstairs. He is beautiful."

The small hawk flew from her hand and she gasped trying to catch him. He took a dive right at me, circling me before landing on my shoulder.

"Hello Abra-Kadabra, I am Princess. Will you be my court magician for awhile?"

The small bird called out happily as if in response.

"Here is the last of the frozen food and the diet, in case you've forgotten anything. Now are you sure you can handle him?"

I smile happily "of course, just make sure you get everything in order, I will take great care of him."

"Thank you again, this means so much." Her eyes began to water as she turns to head back inside.

"Just you and me, buddy."

I take my time going back inside and near the main television stands a couple of boys about my age, a little bigger than me.

"They look new. It looks as though they are about to head for the arena."

I quietly follow them down the stairs to the second series of tests with more exclusive arena's.

They both take a seat near the middle of the bleachers and begin chatting like no tomorrow. I watch for a bit but head up to my room when the frozen food begins to cool my leg and Wing-san's voice begins to ring in my head.

As I ride the elevator up again I begin to chant "Practice. Practice. Practice leads to victory."

It isn't anything special, but the words make me all the more motivated. I return to my room with a plus one and begin again.

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