Test x your x Fate

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To my dearest Readers, some notes-

Thank you so much to all of the readers for keeping this going, this would have stopped long ago without your dedication. You have all my thanks and I continue to welcome all support. This would not be here if not for all of you. I am forever grateful to each and every one of you. Now, enough of my mushy mush! T^T

Back to the story-


*knock knock*

"Come on in!"

A small crashing and scraping sounds escaped from the cracks of the door. She said she was ready, it's only been 9 days, if she is far enough along to use it in battle, then I have underestimated her. Again.

I push the door open and notice her proping the closet door closed. I can't help but raise my eye at this child. She is so small, so quiet, yet also so childish and stubborn. That boy Gon seems something akin to her as well.

"I wondered when you would be coming by. Since you didn't show up I thought I would come check on you."

"I'm sorry Wing-san! I got so busy, I guess I forgot. I'm sorry."

She pouts like any normal child, but from what the old man was telling me of her previous life style, you would think her outlook would be more bleak.


"You were the one so insistent that we meet as soon as possible."


I shove my glasses up to the bridge of my nose. The room furniture looks like it was demolished and then duck taped together by a child hoping their mother won't notice.

"Where is Zushi?"

"He has a match today, I will go down to the arena when we are done here. You did finish, right?"

A large smile breaks across her face and her determination begins to shine.


"You can't be serious?" A strange voice asks from the other end of the phone.

"Of course I can. And don't get in my way this time."



"Did you hear that Hisoka?"

A tall thin man with long black hair asks from the TV screen. His hand is holding a small recorder that now is replaying the clip. The redhead begins a small bit of laughter affirming the mans question.

"Ah. I see. Well then" *Click*

The TV shuts itself off when the man reached forward on the screen to cut off the connection.

Hisoka smiles out the window as a bird circles the area catching bugs. The smile falls when a spike of energy spikes from a window nearby. A small top flies from a window straight for the bird.

With a quick dive it misses but the top seems drawn to it and begins to fall with the bird getting closer and closer.

Just before it's spike reaches the tail feathers a blur of black and white that slices the top perfectly in two, throwing the now two pieces off to the sides of the bird. The bird turns back towards the building, vanishing into a room window.

Hisoka's window curtains blew as his narrow eyes glared out the window. His aura spiked barely under control. Visually he looks really pissed, and inside....

"Oh come on! It's not like you can check it yourself! Just take my word for it!"

Why doesn't he see the potential?

"I can't do that. Not only is this not something I would be willing to try, but I don't approve of you using it at all!"



"Welcome back~" I shout to Abra-Kadabra as he flies back in the window.

"Who is this?"


This is absolutely ridiculous. How do children come up with half the shenanigans they come up with. I can't stop her from fighting, but I hope I can persuade her not to use this. At best it's an excuse to get herself injured, at worst it will be her early grave.

There she goes pouting again, and with such a big huff it's he make me want to sigh. Where does her brain even go.

"Welcome back~"

I look up at her sudden tone of welcoming as a bird of some kind flies in the window. I can tell from the things near the window it's been staying here, but where did it come from. She doesn't seem the type to just get a bird.

I ask the most obvious question "Who is this" and immediately regret it. Her face freezes almost like someone just gave her a life and death decision. Could this be what the old man- I mean my old master meant?

'Such a sad story that one'


'Yes. Very. If I were you I'd watch what I say around her for the time being. You might make her think teeeeeeerible thoughts~'

'Sir I don't think that's entirely appropriate for someone of your position to say.'

'Hohoho, who will scold me? Beans?'

'I'm right here, sir'



"You looked lost in thought."


"Listen, I've already done it before. I know it works."

"Oh? On who did you test it?!"



Where is he? Did he forget again? I've been standing here for awhile.

"Sorry, sorry. I got caught up in some things."

Wing sensei finally walked around the corner.

"That's fine. But, you know, your shirt is untucked again."

"Oh dear" He frantically tries to tuck it in, but as always it continues to stick out.

His face looks really tense. I wonder what happened.

"Would you please find your seats, the match is about to begin."

"There's the announcement. Zushi, remember what I told you."


● □ 8x

"Where is he?"

"Maybe he is busy?"

"Come on Killua, let's go find out!"

"What, break into random rooms in search?

The two boys ran inside and took the elevator up to their floor. They rushed over to the desk. More like Gon ran over and Killua followed.

"Hey, lady. Have you seen someone with a bird?"

"A bird? I think there is one up in the 200 block."

"That high?!" They shout.

"I guess it was a pretty high window." Killua rubs his scruffy hair.


"I think she has a fight tomorrow though. Did you want some tickets?"

"Yes please!"

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