Hide x and x Seek

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I picked up the princess, happy with her unceasing gaze at me. Her eyes shine like water as I hold her in my arms. I close her eyes and then cover them with my bungee gum.

A hostage, a princess, both. She must not know where we are going. It's more fun that way.

It was a long time before the magic released my eyes. I smiled while I pressed into his chest wondering what adventures could possibly await me.

When the sounds of the outside world ended I sighed happily saying goodbye to my previous thoughts.

I heard a sliding door open as he set my feet down. The pressure on my eyes vanished. I rubbed my lids as they readjusted to the bright light.

I leaned back as I looked straight up. A building, or tower, that goes up and up and up. Soooooooooo far up I cannot see the top.

I feel slightly off balance so I look around me to the street people were walking past us in every direction. The sliding door closed and I noticed Mr Magician on the other side walking towards the desk.

I jumped forward dancing through the now open sliding door. I run up beside him as he signs something on the desk. I peek up at the TV screens where fighters were hitting one another.

"Will you're daughter be signing up as well?" I heard a quiet laugh from another desk clerk as Mr Magician grinned.

"Of course! Where daddy goes, I go!" He turned his face to me as a lady slid me a piece of paper. I used my tip toes to look taller but still had to reach over the ledge to sign. My nose was point blank with the desk as I scribbled 'Princess'.

I felt energized, like I could do anything I set my mind to. "Very well. Hisoka and...Princess?" I could see the lady shrug as she hands us two pieces of paper "Here are the ticket numbers, wait until you are called. Go down those stairs to join the others in the main area."

I skipped next to him as we went into the arena. Several small arenas with rope boundaries spread across the main floor. He walked up to the front rows and sat down. I followed his example but felt like I was flying down the stairs, wind blowing beneath my imaginary wings.

I sat less than a foot to his right as we await our numbers. I watch the matches in front of us, men pushing back and forth like tug of war. I would laugh every now and then as someone would do something unexpected.

I saw someone enter the arena a few rings down and I tug on daddy's sleeve "What's wrong with him? Is he sick?"

I couldn't control my inner laughter, this child, my princess. So bright and innocent, but still so small. She was something else. Doing nothing like I expect yet playing right into my hands.

She reminds me of my cute little ringo-chan. I feel her pull on my arm again and look where she points "What's wrong with him? Is he sick?"

The man's green aura shines brightly but is still not worth my time. I lean down to her ear as she stares at him "What do you see, Princess?"

"He looks like...when you get an upset stomach and real color goes away. It looks sickly."

"If he were to be a color right now, what would it be?"

"Green. Like his skin."

She continues to stare at him as my smile stretches from ear to ear. I look up to the ceiling as my insides twist and pull. So delicious, my beautiful, little Princess. I stretch a little more to calm myself as she stands up.

I look as hard as I can when he asks me what color he would be, I don't want to let daddy down. I strain and begin to see a sheen glinting on his skin. 'I see it!' "Green. Like his skin."

As I told him what I saw one of the arenas called my number. I braced myself and stood. I take a deep breath and quickly get to the arena. It was a man taller than daddy but smaller than that one man who tried to to hurt me.

I slid up onto the ring waiting for the cue. "Hahahahaha. You're kidding me! This puny child is my opponent? Sorry cutie pie, daddy's gonna have to throw you around a bit."

The ref called go and the man took no time to charge me. I easily sidestepped him? He looked alot faster than that. I found my center as he got up and began to charge again.

I slid under his arm pulling it over me, letting him throw himself. He looks dumbfounded as I toss him I scream "You are not my daddy!"

He hit the post in the corner knocking himself out. "Ever been here before?" The ref asks me calmly "No."

He hands me a sheet of paper with a bunch of letters on it "show this to the desk, you may go to floor 50."

He looks at his machine before anouncing two more numbers. I run back over to daddy who smiles at me. I jump onto the seat beside him. Soon after his number is called.

"Go get your reward at the desk, I will be out there shortly." He says as he stands. I nod and head back to the lady at the desk.

When she finally notices me she blinks in confusion. I hold up the paper with the numbers "C- congratulations on making it to the 50th floor. Please go to the exam room before going back to the ring."

She hands down a small envelope with some money. I take it and sit down on the couch next to the desk. The lady is shaking her head, I guess she doesn't know I'm waiting for daddy. As I think this he walks out of the arena and hands the lady his own piece of paper. She passes him another envelope.

He turns to me and walks over "Princess, the game is about to start. Are you ready?"

"Game?" I smile up at him and he returns it.

"Hide and seek. Once through the next fight, to see me you must be on my floor or higher."

I looked up sadly hoping that he didn't have to go yet "Which floor are you?"

"50. But after the next fight it will change again if you win. Think you will be able to catch up?"

"I will, daddy! I promise you Mr Magician!"

"Good girl, my little princess."

The End

The Girl x the Magician x The Magic TrickWhere stories live. Discover now