Come x Full x Circle

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Where am I now? I tug on the cold chains as a pen flies across paper somewhere close by.

"Finally here I see. It has been too long my dearest."

My covered eyes shoot up at the familiar sound but cannot remove the cloth with the chains as they are.

"Oh, do not fret. Such a beautiful, and well bred, young woman such as yourself should act more dignified."


"Yes, of course Caitlyn. Were you expecting another? Hopefully you have yet to have a string of men following you."

The sound of the pen ceases a moment and he sighs exaggeratedly. The small *thunk* of the pen being laid down a bit too roughly seems muffles in the dense room.

"After all, I'd have to kill them. Of course you'd have to be in attendance since you would be next miss Caitlyn."

"I prefer Princess."

A long silence takes over the room and a sound of an old time phone rings loudly.

"But what am I saying, of course you wouldn't cheat on your fiancé. You are much too smart to do something so foolish. Then did act childishly when you ran away, Princess." His glare continues as his hand reaches out.

The phone gets picked up "Yes, of course she was recieved. Tell the doctor he may remove himself. He has done his part."

A few moments pass as the sound of a muffled voice comes from the other side of the phone "No, you may not take care of it. We had a deal. I will not have someone like you break the word of my family. Return immediately."

A loud clap comes from the receiver as it's thrust back in place.

"We should get you cleaned up, this is no way to present you to the engagement party. Arthur!"


"Clean her up. And feed her for God sake. She won't fit into her gown at this rate."

"Yes, sir."

"Oh, and try to make sure she doesn't run away again. It would be quite annoying."

An old pair of hands remove the blindfold and set it aside. The iron chains holding me were no more than colorful string that seem to have a green outline. A lot of aura winds up my legs pulling them downward. The energy it takes to keep lift my feet to move is as much as throwing a few dozen punches.

"This way, my lady."

Too easy. Light steps are invisible to the guards as he moves into the mansion grounds.

"I know, it's unbelievable."

"How old is she anyways?"

"You know he would never tell any of us."

"Yeah, I suppose."

Two guards chat near a large dumpster with their concentration fully on one another. One seems to have a small amount of nen. So small it's a waste of space to keep him around.

With a bright smile I walk through the two men who stare in disbelief. The two heads fall backwards off of their shoulders.

● □ 8 <

"You ready Gon? We may find someone harder to deal with inside. What do you want to do?"

Gon smiles proudly and raises his fist "Let's get 'em!"

Killua smiles and taps the other boys fist with his own "Yeah."

They quickly run up the fire escape and spot some men on the third floor. Gon jumps through the glass causing it to shatter loudly around him.

The other boy moves in also, heading straight for the biggest man. One of the lackeys cries out as Gon flies over his head.


The big man slams a door shut and steps in front of a doctor who stands looking down at the floor.

"Please wait here, miss."

The thin white fabric lay around my frame with room to flare. The small chain leading down to a beautiful diamond ring surrounded by blue gems and gold lining rests against my collarbone.

"Please step this way, miss."

The tall shoes cut into the back of my ankle causing great pain. I push forward anyways as instructed into the large double doors of the office. The power on my legs vanishes and the Butler speaks out.

"Sir, here she is."

The black eyes glare at me with disinterest "Yes yes, that's fine. I have more work to finish, escort her to the dinning hall to join the others, I shall be there shortly."

"Yes, sir. This way, miss Ca-"

"She prefers 'Princess'. Make sure that the others know, my wife must have everything her heart desires."

"Then-" the word barely leaves my lips before he continues.

"Everything. As long as she does as she is told as the docile and well bred wife that she is."

"As you say, sir." The Butler responds obediently. He grasps my arm and leads me towards the door.

I sigh as an annoying amount of energy goes back to pulling my legs downward.

We enter the dinning hall and immediately the lights go out.

"Who is there?" The soft spoken voice of the butler asks.

"Well well, it looks as though you don't know what to do. Should I give you a hint?"

"Mr Magician!"

"My my, even my Princess is in attendance."

"Hmph, Miss Ca- I mean Miss Princess belongs to Master Charles and no one else."

"Hmb. Hmmhmmhmm. Hahahahahahahahahahahaa! To think one of the rejected butlers from the Zoldyks would be here of all places~"

That laughing magician bends backwards as he laughs even more when suddenly he flips up with a glare and looks directly into the butler's eyes.

"Well? Anything you wish to say?"

The butler pulls on his glove and begins "In regards to wh-"

"Not you." His lack of amusement apparent on his face.

My face lightens and I smile calmly "I do, just one request."

"The words Princess, I cannot without you're royal permission."

His smile crept up the left side of his face and his eyes narrow.

I look into his eyes with determination and clarity "Please, make me dissappear."

"As you command, Princess."

In a quick flash the man holding me back and the pressure on my legs vanish. Blood spills onto my dress in a large splatter. I lean down and unbuckled the shoes.

"Your dress seems to be ruined, Princess."

"On the contrary, now we match."

"Hmph, well, hold on tight Princess. It's time to dissappear."

With a swift sweep he pulls me up into his arms and the air blurs as we head out of sight.

The End

My thanks to those who came to the end with me. Thank you all for your support and I hope I was able to bring you a wonderful story. My greatest thanks.

The Girl x the Magician x The Magic TrickWhere stories live. Discover now