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Taehyun reached his home and went straight into the shower. Without taking off his drenched clothes, he sits under his shower. Crying silently. His feet are sore, his heart is hurt, and his body is giving up. He literally ran out of his house by the time Yeonjun called him asking if Beomgyu is with him, but the mentioned boy doesn't even talk to him after the incident.

He comes out from the shower. He walks towards his wardrobe and look for something to wear. Then, he found Beomgyu's hoodie that he left here the first day he came. Taehyun take the hoodie and put in on. He also wears his sweatpants.

The boy throw himself on his bed and open his phone. He scroll over his gallery to look at his pics with Beomgyu. He wishes that this is only just a dream. He really needs to explain to Beomgyu what is actually his plan. He doesn't mean to hurt him.

He continues to cry until he fell asleep.


Weeks had passed, Taehyun walks into the school. While he is walking, he sees Beomgyu talking to some of his classmates. Taehyun slower his phase to look at Beomgyu a little bit longer.

Suddenly, Beomgyu moves his gaze towards Taehyun. Taehyun stops his movement and quickly look away. His heart is racing, not sure if he's scared of the boy or because he is nervous.

Taehyun walks away from there and go straight to his class. He sits at his table and put his head on the table. He close his eyes and stay quiet. He needs some short nap.

"Tae!", his friend calls for him.

He is irritated by the sudden call. He is trying to have some peaceful nap here. Then, he looks up to his friend. It's the one that almost kiss him tomorrow. Wow, that makes him more irritated.

"What?", Taehyun ask.

"Um- I'm just wondering if you are still mad at me. I'm sorry. I didn't know why I move like that. I really didn't mean to- Hey, are you okay?", his friend ask, a little bit too concern about how he looks today.

"I'm fine. Thanks to you I lost my motivation to live", replies Taehyun.

His friend stood there quietly before said his sorry again before he leaves. Taehyun look to his left, outside the window. He is zoning out until the teacher comes in.


Taehyun gets in his car and takes a deep breath. He is done. He lost his Beomgyu for good. He tried to talk to the boy but he got ignored. He always waited for the boy until the end of lunch time but he never came. Is it because he stood him the other day? He didn't mean to. He was about to tell Beomgyu that he went to help the teacher with their stuffs with his friend after they went back to class. And he also realized that he never sent the reply to Beomgyu's update about his where being. He slaps his forehead rethinking of what had happened. He doesn't wanna go home anymore. He needs to find some peace.

Taehyun drove to the playground where he always goes to meet Beomgyu. He walks and sits on one of the swing. He slowly swing himself with his feet while looking at them. 

Suddenly, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He was surprise and when he turns back, he quickly stands up and back away a few steps.

"Hi Taehyun", greets Beomgyu with a little smile.

They were sitting on Taehyun's car boot. It's sunset and they enjoying the silent, but Taehyun is a little nervous. He doesn't know why Beomgyu suddenly came to search for him.

"I knew everything", Beomgyu suddenly spoke.

"Your friend came to me and force me to listen to him. I'm glad I did", Beomgyu continues.

"I feel bad Taehyun. I'm sorry for treating you like this before listen to your words"

Taehyun looks at Beomgyu, "Hyung-"

"I love you Tae", Beomgyu said while slowly closing the gap between them. 

Taehyun's tears fall down, he is overwhelmed.

Until he opens his eyes just to be hit by reality. He looks around, no sign of Beomgyu. And then he realizes that he is in his car, still at the playground. He may fell asleep when he was on his way to go home. 

He rubs his eyes, fix his clothes and looks in the mirror.

"Wow Kang Taehyun you look like a mess", he says to himself and chuckles after.

"I am so messed up", he says again before he starts his car and drive home.


Taehyun lives with his parents and he is the only child. He's parents live a simple life but no one knows that they aren't the happy family that everyone think they were. Taehyun cant denied that his parents are over the hill for each other. But they never cared about Taehyun's existence. Since Taehyun turned 18, they let him do whatever he wants. His mother always told him that he's just a mistake that they need to keep. Because someone needs to run the family's small business. His parents really wasn't planning to have a child and just live their live, just the two of them.

But after Taehyun was born, his father started a small business for the family and make it as a reason to keep Taehyun with them instead of letting someone adopted him. He never knew what it feels like to be loved by your own parents. He just felt it a few time with Beomgyu's parents, and most of the time from Beomgyu. 

Oh if only Beomgyu knew how much he means to him. 

Taehyun gets on his bed, ready to sleep. He cries again, like most of the nights and days. It has been his routine since that day he lost Beomgyu. He whores Beomgyu's clothes almost everyday, even the clothes already lost Beomgyu's scent on it, but at least Taehyun can feel like he is close to him. 

He always prayed that Beomgyu will one day came back to him. He cant think straight, he cant even focus in his class and his grades are falling drastically. He is lost. He needs his guidance back but he doesn't care about Taehyun anymore.

"Beomgyu", Taehyun cries.

"Beomgyu I need you"

"I fucking need you hyung", he closes his eyes.

"Please. Please come back and I'll make everything up", he feels the pain coming again in his chest.

"I'll do anything to have you loving me again just-"

"Please", he begs, before he fell asleep.

Another update? GASP?? well I'm afraid that I wont have time to update tomorrow sooo- DOUBLE UPDATE :> xoxo

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