Chapter 7

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After my little chat with Batman and my dad, I went in search of someone to take me to my room. When I entered the kitchen area I found M'gann and Artemis eating, what looked like, chocolate chip cookies and talking.

"Hey Hilary, do you need help finding your room? M'gann and I could show you," Artemis offered between cookie filled bites.

"That would be great, thank you," I said. Artemis wiped cookie crumbs onto her jeans and started to lead the way down a different hall.

Pointing down the opposite hallway Artemis said, "down that cooridor is the training and locker rooms. This hallway leads to the dormitories where we stay."

"Some people here full time like me and Superboy. The others live with their mentors, but they have rooms here if they need them." When M'gann mentioned Superboy I thought back to when he stormed out of the training room earlier. What was that about?

"So, does Conner have a problem with me being here or something? He seemed upset earlier."

"No, no it's not that Conner doesn't like you or anything. He's just....." M'gann trailed off. Both the girls stopped walking and exchanged knowing glances.

"He just has a complicated relationship with Superman. Superman wasn't exactly the most excepting when he figured out he has a clone equivalent of a son. When Superman found out about him he was kind of cold and still is awkward around Conner. Seeing him today just made him upset. He's like this everytime he sees Superman. Just don't take it personally." I was shocked by what Artemis said. My dad being cold, it didn't sound like him. It was also weird to think that my dad basically had another child and that I had brother. The scary thing was that my dad wasn't accepting of Conner from what I could tell. Granted it was weird to have a son and not know about and have him appear out of no where. The next time I saw my dad we were going to have a conversation about this.

"Poor Superboy, that must suck for him. I'm sure Superman doesn't mean to be cruel."

"No, we know he doesn't mean to be rude or cruel, it just sucks that Conner feels bad sometimes. Anyway, don't think that Conner doesn't like you for any reason. Let's get you to your room so you can settle in," M'gann said trying to lighten the mood. We continued walking until we passed 5 doors, but when we reached the 6th door Artemis and M'gann stopped. "This is your room. The boys should have put your bags in here. My room is right across the hall if you need anything."

"Yeah and my room is right next door so feel free to visit anytime."

"Will do. Thanks guys! I'm gonna go unpack." With that I opened the door to my room. It was a good size about the same as my room back home. There was a twin bed with plain white sheets, a bedside table with a lamp, a desk, and closet. There was also a bathroom connected to my room. It had a nice amount of counter space and a shower with a tub. The whole room was plain, but nice and clean. It just needed a touch of personality.

I unzipped one of my duffel bags and started pulling out clothes and creating piles. After I laid out all my clothing I started moving it into the closet and bathroom. As I was putting my toiletries in the bathroom there was a knock at the door.

"Hey Hilary, we just wanted to see if you were settling in okay. Also we wanted to see if you wanted to come into town with us?" Artemis and M'gann were looking at me with hopeful looks.

"Sure, let me just change and get my stuff." They went to the TV room to wait til I was ready. I quickly pulled on a pair of shorts and a long sleeve top. It was early fall so it was getting chillier outside, but not enough to wear pants. I put my walet and the glass phone that Batman gave me into my black Longchamp purse and slid my white flip flops on. I ended up leaving my long blonde hair down, I was just too lazy to try and do anything cute with it. I walked into the TV room to see Artemis with her hair pulled back into a ponytail wearing cute black capri leggings, a white tank top, and a green zip down hoodie. M'gann had manipulated her skin to become caucasian, and was wearing a cute pink skirt with a white shirt and matching pink cardigan.

"So guys are you ready to go?"

"Yup, we were just waiting on you," Artemis said as both the girls got up.

"I'm so excited to hang out tonight. It'll be my first girl's night out." I guess they didn't really get any down time between missions to hang out. Well, being a super hero must have its drawbacks.

"Yeah, I know, this is going to be fun! So what are we going to do? Go shopping, watch a movie? We are defintely getting dinner."

"I vote for a movie!" Artemis exclaimed raising her hand.

"Yeah we could see Inside Out, that looks like a cute movie," M'gann suggested. At this point we were walking down the hallway towards the training room. When we stepped into the room it looked like Robin and Superboy were sparring with each other on the platform. It looked as if Robin was winning and within seconds he had Conner with his back on the floor, with one swift sweep of his legs he knocked Conner's legs out from under him.

"Nice job Robin. Superboy you have be focused on your opponent and try to read him and predict his moves," the blonde woman reached down to Superboy to help him up. She was dressed in fishnet stockings, a black one piece, a combat jacket and fingerless gloves. She looked up at the three of us cutting through the training room and made eye contact with me. "Hi there, I don't believe I have introduced myself. I'm Balck Canary, I'm in charge of training around here. I'm here if you ever need anything."

"Thank you, my name is Hilary, but I'm sure you already knew that."

"So where are you pretty ladies off to on this fine evening?" Wally said as he flashed into the room.

"Out. Mind your our beeswax," Artemis snapped.

"We're having a girl's night out," M'gann explained to Canary.

"Let's get going guys. Have fun training or whatever else you guys are planning on doing. And Wally if you follow us, I swear that I will deck you the moment I see you," Artemis threatened.

"Have it your way, Princess," he said holding up his hands in surrender. "I know that you're gonna miss having all this eye candy to look at."

"Whatever, let's just go," Artemis said rolling her eyes. She grabbed our hands and pulled us down the next hallway.

"So how exactly are we getting to town?" The only way I had gotten to Mount Justice was when my dad carried me and flew us there.

"We are going to use the zeta beams. They basically can teleport anyone anywhere in the world, as long as there is a zeta station there," Artemis explained. We stopped in front of two huge tube shaped indents in the wall. As soon as we walked a little closer, a control panel hologram appeared in front of Artemis and she punched the buttons.

When Artemis stepped up to the tube a monotoned voice said, "Recgonised: Artemis B07." The tube glowed as she started walking and within seconds she disappeared. Then M'gann stepped into the tube and the voice said, "Recognised: Miss Marian B05," and then she was gone too. Without thinking I quickly stepped into the platform. "Recognised: Hilary Clark B10." I could feel myself disintegrate into little pieces.

Then next thing I know all I see is blinding light.


Author's Note: Sorry, I know it's a sucky ending. I know this chapter was kind of a filler. I'm just trying to set up the foundation for the main events to happen. I promise that I'm going to start writing the next chapter after this. How was everyone's 4th of July? Mine was kinda crazy. Let's just say that I flipped a golf cart and leave it at that. I hope that everyone is having a fun and crazy summer!

Thanks for reading and I hope you have been enjoying the story so far!

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