Chapter 4

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*Superman's POV*

I can't believe I revealed my identity to Hilary! I mean what was I thinking? I had just gotten back from defeating Mongul and boy was that a big take down. The guy had been traveling around from planet to planet trying to conquer them until he found his Warworld then he posed an actual threat.

Even though we ended defeating Mongul he managed to destroy Coast City. We knew that hit close to home for Green Lantern. As soon as the beam from the Warworld hit Coast City we all could see something in Green Lantern snap, and even though he was wearing his mask anyone could see the devastation and shock on his face. There were no words to describe how I would have felt if that was Metropolis and worst of all, Hilary. I wouldn't have been able to continue on with life and I would most defiantly lose it.

After Mongul was distracted Green Lantern suck on board of his Warworld. All the other Leaguers fought Mongul hand-to-hand (including myself). We did take a little beating, but it was enough to distract Mongul while Green Lantern set the charges and blew up the Warworld. Once his precious Warworld was destroyed, Mongul was easily taken down.

I stayed a little bit to do damage control, but left after an hour or two. I was just so exhausted. Batman took notice and told me to go home, but I tried to insist on staying. Bruce just wasn't having it tonight.

"Just go home to Hilary, and get some sleep." He understood what it was like raising children, after all he had his little birds. I honestly was too tired to argue with his stubbornness.

I was finally home and I just climbed through the window of the apartment, not even bothering to use my super-hearing to see if Hilary was asleep. She knew that she was to be in her room by 12 AM. I had just climbed already through the window when I could sense that I was not alone, and I instantly froze when I heard the click of the hall light switch turning on. All I could see was Hilary's stunned face with her mouth slightly ajar.

"Hilary, its not what it looks like!" She just stood there for a second when I tried to explain why I didn't tell her, but as soon as I took a step towards her she cringed away from my touch and ran to her room.

I just let her go. I could have followed and tried to make her understand, but I wanted her to accept on her own and leave her to her thoughts. Sometimes people need to be alone to think.


I decided to go check on Hilary in the afternoon the next day. I could hear her breathing change so I knew she was awake. When I walked in she was just laying in bed thinking to herself. It made me think of the first time I saw her, in that horrible fire. My heart bled for her when she lost her parents like how I was seperated from my parents. I knew that I was so thankful when the Kents adopted me, even though I didn't know I was adopted until I started discovering my powers. I just thought that since some couple that were strangers adopted me when I had no family or anything, that I should show someone in need the same kindness.

Even though Hilary wasn't my blood daughter, our relationship was stronger than most father and daughter's. We told each other everything and we were al each other had.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I realized that Hilary had spotted me standing in her doorway. "Hi Hilary, can I come in? She didn't really say anything so I just came in away. "I know its overwhelming, but you need to get whelmed. On the bright side, there are also some really cool perks of the job." I smiled just thinking about not having to lie to her anymore about anything.

"What does whlemed mean? And so can you actually fly and do all the cool things that they show and talk about on TV?"

"'Whelmed' is just something I picked up from someone and I'm not exactly what it means, but its kinda like to be calm. And, oh, Hil, I can do much more than just that. And I am a memeber of the Justice League. Speaking of them, I should really report to them that my daughter knows about true identity. Man, Batman sure isn't gonn be happy about this, but, hey, he can't be mad because he has Nightwing and the others. He's one to talk."

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