Chapter 3

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"Hilary, it's not what it looks like!" All I could do is stand there and be stunned.

Was the man that I saw everyday and raised me Superman? What the hell is going on?

My feet were locked into place and I couldn't move to run away or speak. I just couldn't comprehend this. My dad or Superman just sat there looking sad and full of remorse.

"I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you sooner. I didn't want to endanger you or burden you with my secret." He started to step forward in an atempt to comfort me. Suddenly my legs started working again, and as tears started pooling in my eyes, I finally ran away to lock myself in my room. Before I completely turned around I could see the shock and hurt in his eyes. He actually looked like he felt bad about not telling me.

I slammed my door and locked it before face-planting on my queen-sized bed. I immediately started sobbing as soon as I grabbed one of my pillows. I was confused. I had heard of Superman, who didn't? He was Metropolis's local hero and alien.

Oh my Lord, MY DAD IS AN ALIEN!! What else has he hidden from me? Why didn't he tell me? How did I not notice?

I thought back to how I got to be adopted by my dad and suddenly it made sense. Superman saved me from the fire that killed my parents, and he also took me and raised me. They were the same person. That's how my dad knew that I needed a family.


After about an hour 1 or 2 I was finally all cried out, and started to fall asleep. I was working on accepting the truth: My dad was Superman. And he never told me.


I was awoken at about 1 PM the next day by a slight tapping on my bedroom door. Suddenly the events from early that morning surfaced and registered in my mind.

"Hi Hilary, can I come in?" I debated on trying to go back to sleep and atct like the whole recent happenings were all just dreams.

When I didn't answer he just came in anyway. "I'm sorry, sweetie. I wanted to tell you, but I didn't want you to be scared everytime I left the house. I am sorry that I didn't tell you sooner. I just had no idea how to tell you and how you would react." He had sat on the bed and started stroking my hair as I just stared up at him.

I was unsure as to how I should respond. I was so confused. I had no idea what to think, but I knew one thing: I still thought of him as my dad. I also knew that I still loved him. He just sighed and looked at me with sad and loving eyes.

Finally, I realized my true feelings about the whole situation. "I forgive you, but I'm kinda mad that you didn't trust me enough to tell me about who you really are. Its really hard to believe and its all just so overwhelming. " He looked at me for a second while thinking about how to respond to my statement.

"I know its overwhelming, but you need to get whelmed. On the bright side, there are also some really cool perks of the job," he said, the sides of his mouth tipping up in a smile. He was obviously happy that I forgave him, but I still couldn't see how my dad, whom I have never seen hurt a fly, was a big hero and crime fighter.

"What does whlemed mean? And so can you actually fly and do all the cool things that they show and talk about on TV?"

"'Whelmed' is just something I picked up from someone and I'm not exactly what it means, but its kinda like to be calm. And, oh, Hil, I can do much more than just that. And I am a memeber of the Justice League. Speaking of them, I should really report to them that my daughter knows about true identity. Man, Batman sure isn't gonn be happy about this, but, hey, he can't be mad because he has Nightwing and the others. He's one to talk." He kept rambling on like that for a minute or two. Only some words really registered in my mind: "Batman," "Young Justice," and "Mount Justice." The only word that made sense and clicked in my mind was Batman. The others I had no idea.

"Um, dad?"

"Huh, what? Oh, I'm sorry I was talking to myself. Don't worry, things will get straightened out. I'll leave you to your thoughts." And with that he had pulled out his phone dialed a number and flew out of the room. He literally flew. Oh my god, I'm never gonna used to this.


Author's Note: Hey guys! I know this is a shorter chapter than the other ones. I'm sorry! Don't worry, Hilary will be meeting the team soon (probably the next chapter) and we will get more in depth with this story.

Thanks for reading!

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