Chapter 10

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*back to Hilary's POV*

Dreams of test tubes, strange liquids, and bright white sterile lights flashed in and out of my head. And fire, fire danced around the edges of the images, smoke contorting the view of everything.

Suddenly the scene changed, a little girl was sitting amongst people in white on a steel table. They spoke around her, but never to her. It was as if she was a doll in a game of their own making. They all carried papers and pens, quickly jotting things down as they all conversed about her. The image was slowly raked over with fire, the girl sitting on the steel table still, but the people were gone and the building was filled with fire as pieces of rubble fell to the ground around her. The girl had tears streaming down her face and voices and fists banged on the door to the examining room. As more of the ceiling fell the girl could see the night sky above her, moonlight illuminated the room until it glinted off her blonde hair and blue eyes. As the smoke from the fire around her filled the girls lungs, she started to feel so drowsy. Slowly and surely she leaned back on the steel table, finally finding comfort in its coolness compared to the heat from the raging fire, and fell asleep to the sound of panicked voices. 


"Hilary. Hilary, can you hear me?" My dad's voice slipped into my mind.

"Her vitals are normal, but the shock of using her powers without training is the only thing keeping her under," Batman's unaffected voice explained my condition.

I could feel someone gripping my hand and pulling it slightly off the bed, and I could hear the electric hum of the fluorescent lights, the brightness turning the inside of my eyelids red. I wanted to open my mouth and ask for some water for my dry throat, but my body wouldn't allow it. Suddenly my mind flashed back to the moment when Artemis, M'gann and I were face-to-face with that creep, Junior. What did I do to him? Did I really cut off his arm with just a look? The heat that exploded out of my eyes... almost as if I had the same powers as my dad. But that's impossible.

"Hilary, you need to wake up," I was startled to realize that voice belonged to Robin.

I forced my eyes to flutter open, the light from the overhead fluorescents blinding me. I could hear my dad's sudden intake of breath and my hand was squeezed a little harder than before.

My eyes cracked open and I took in everyone in the white, sterile room. Batman glancing between herself and the beeping monitors, dad leaning over me, but it was Robin who was holding my hand. Robin had both his elbows on the side of the bed and was trying to hold my gaze as I attempted to smile at my dad. I took my hand out of Robin's in order to motion for my dad to hug me.

"Daddy," my dry voice broke as I was pulled into his strong embrace, and tears started to well under my eyes.

"Oh Hilary, sweetie, I'm sorry, so sorry." His comforting hands held me tightly to his chest. He wasn't a bit disgusted when my tears and runny nose left his shoulder wet when he pulled out of the hug and looked into my eyes. Robin looked on a the scene with an unreadable expression, but his fists slowly clenched and unclenched at his sides. "Hilary, I know you've had a rough couple of days, but I need to tell you the whole truth. Nothing left out this time," he turned to glance at Batman, but the dark knight appeared preoccupied with a clipboard with Hilary's health report.

I buried my head in my hands, great more secrets, more lies, everything just keeps getting better and better. "It really happened didn't it? I wasn't imagining cutting off Junior's arm, it was real, that feeling... What's wrong with me?" My voice broke as I lifted my head, "why didn't you tell me everything?! You just keep lying to me," my sad tears turned to ones of anger and frustration, "you've turned my life upside down and now this... Are you kidding me? I'm obviously not human, which might not freak you people out since you all seem used to this craziness, but I'm new to all this and pulling this shit and not telling me the whole truth is not fair. You get one opportunity, tell me the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth." My grave tone had everyone's attention in the room and I can imagine my facial expression was a mask of calm over a raging inside. At this point, my adoptive father paled, he'd never seen me so enraged before and, he was probably kicking himself for letting me see him that night when everything changed.

"Hilary, you have to understand, none of us even considered that you had abilities, but looking back on it, we should have considered every angle when I first brought you to live with me. None of us expected that your parents experimented on you, their own child. Your parents were good people, they saw Lex Luther for the snake he was and tried to stop him from getting their research. We don't know the extent of your powers, but we do know that you are human."

"So let me get this straight, you have no idea what exactly happened to me? I was some guinea pig, a guinea pig for my parents' experiments? You didn't even think to tell me any of this? Why didn't you ever tell? What kept you from telling me? I have a right to know. You have put me in this situation, if you would have told me maybe we could have avoided all this," I made a large sweeping motion with my hand.

My dad had a sad expression on his face, "you have no idea how much I wanted to tell you" he said earnestly. "I thought about it everyday, but each day I didn't tell you, it became easier and easier to forget or pretend it didn't happen so that we could be a normal family."

"Bullshit, this is all utter bullshit," yelled the boy who was entering the already overcrowded room.

"Conner!" M'gann called as he stormed into the room. Robin moved to block his path to my hospital bed.

"Get out of my way Robin."

"Superboy I think you need to calm down."

No, no I will not be quiet!" He spat at Robin. And as his rage turned onto me, "you have no idea how good you have it! I would kill to be where you are, I share DNA with the man and he doesn't even deign to glance at me, but you, oh you, special little you, you get to have him as a father." His finger was pointed at my face and with each word, his face contorted into anger. I slid back in fear of the savage anger taking over Connor's body.

Superman now stood in front of me and shielded me from the raging Superboy, but this only provoked Conner further. "She isn't even your blood, but she is more a daughter to you than I was a son. That should be me you are caring about. I am the closest blood relative you have, yet you treat me like garbage. If you love this girl as a daughter, why can't you love your own son?"

My father, the man I believed to be the kindest person in the world, turned to the enraged Superboy and spoke in a tone that I have never heard before. I almost did not recognize him as he stared Superboy down and stated, "You were never my son."


Cliff hanger.

I haven't worked on this fanfic in forever... lol sorry

If anyone is actually still reading this I applaud you and your commitment

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