Chapter 13

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My deep sleep was rudely interrupted by the sound of my alarm. I groaned as I rolled over in bed to silence my phone. 7:15 AM shone up at me as I peered at the screen, and I groaned again as I pulled myself up in bed. Artemis would be here in 30 minutes to pick me up for my first day at school. Although I was excited last night at the prospect of this new adventure, anxiety began to creep into my stomach when I thought about being in a strange environment without my new friend. I hushed these thoughts as I made my way to the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day.

As I finished styling my hair for the day 25 minutes later into some loose waves with the help of my curling wand, I stared at myself in the mirror for a couple seconds. You will do great today. You have never had any trouble making friends and you are a smart gorgeous girl. Hell if that isn't enough, you have superpowers that no one else has (except Connor and dad). My little self-pep talk was interrupted by my phone buzzing in my bed. Artemis was here and she had my extra uniform. I ran down the hallway towards the garage door on the other side of the training room where Artemis was standing holding my set of clothes. She swiftly placed them in my arms and then shooed me back to my room to change quickly.

It looks as if the uniform was composed of a black skirt/kilt that stopped 2 inches above the knee, a white polo shirt, burgundy tie, black blazer, and white knee-high socks. Artemis had included a pair of low heels to wear with the whole outfit. I made a mental note to ask her if flats would be out of the question in the future. I grabbed my backpack and ran back down the hallway and past the kitchen area.

Connor glanced at me from his spot on the barstool in the kitchen. "I see you got your wish and are off to school," he said amused.

"Looks that way," as I give him a sweet smile. "See you when I get back," I say quickly and he gives me a nod before I proceed back to Artemis. "Try not to break anything when I'm gone." I throw over my shoulder and chuckle. I've been trying to use the events of the past to joke and bond with Connor, making light of the time that he almost seriously injured me. He was not very receptive of the jokes at first, but I think I am wearing him down because he's cracked a smile at least twice this week.

"Finally! C'mon! I want to have time to give you a tour." Artemis motions me out of the cave and towards her green motorcycle. She hops on and slides on a helmet, motioning for me to do the same.

I have never ridden a motorcycle before, but I know that they can be very dangerous. A normal father would warn me never to get on one, but dad has mentioned nothing of the sort. I begin to wonder if we were to get into an accident would I be able to leap away in a single bound like Superman or Superboy could. I guess there would be only one way to find out and let's hope that today would not be the day I discovered that power.

It seems someone was listening to my prayer because we made it in one piece to school. Although a school is not exactly what I would have thought when I walked into Gotham Academy. The place looked more like a castle or a church if you were to glance at the building while driving past. The front of the school had two large ornate doors, both a deep black color. On either side of the arched doorway were turrets that spiraled a good story or two above the rest of the school. Upon further inspection, the ornate building did have aspects that made it look more like a school with a more modern addition to the back that was most likely the gym. There were also banners hanging from windows that displayed the school's mascot, a raven (I am not sure if that's what it actually is, but I'm just going to stick with it).

Since we were early to school there were a slow trickle of students in the parking lot as Artemis parked her bike in the motorcycle area. I was still in a little bit of shock so I didn't notice the first time Artemis tried to take the helmet from me.

"Hello, earth to Hilary!" I snapped out of reverie, and handed her the helmet so she could store them on her bike. "Okay, since you're done staring and this," she motions to the bike, "has been taken care of, how about that tour? We can start in the office to get your class schedule." I bob my head yes as she grabs my hand and starts towards the looming building.

After we picked up my schedule from the nice yet ancient woman at the school office, Artemis took me to all the classes on my list and tried to fit in other things along the way. This semester I would be taking Biology, Geometry, History of the Americas, Ceramics, and study hall. Luckily, I had study hall and Biology with Artemis so I would at least know someone in those classes. As we walked around the school I began to notice an influx of people and chatter. It was getting close to time for the warning bell. Artemis did not look bothered as she began waving towards two boys further down the hallway. I glanced in their direction, seeing a tall lean boy with red hair and another taller more muscular dark-haired boy make their way towards us. I could have sworn they both looked so familiar to me.

"Well, it's about time you guys got here. I wanted to introduce you to my new friend Hilary Kent," Artemis gave the boys a knowing wink before motioning towards me to say something.

"Um hey guys, nice to meet you. I just transferred here from Metropolis High." I shrug back to Artemis, not exactly sure what I am supposed to be saying.

"Welcome to Gotham Academy. I am Dick Grayson, pleased to meet you." The dark-haired boy smiled at me and extended his hand. I was a little shocked by such a formal gesture, this wasn't a business meeting, but I still shook his hand attempting to hold back my super strength and gave him a smile. He held my hand for a little longer than the handshake warranted, but I didn't mind. The boy was gorgeous, and I took this time to take in some of his features. His wavy dark brown hair, almost black, was towselled almost as if all he did to style it was run his hands through it, which just made him more attractive. Under his uniform I could tell that he had a lot of muscle, but he did not look huge or hulking with muscle, thank god. He stood a good 4 inches taller than me so I was looking up into his eyes and I could see how they are a deep blue with hints of gray around the pupil. These eyes were locked on mine as he held my hand, and suddenly I realized that I was the one who was holding on too long. I dropped his hand and he looked at me with a sheepish grin. For some reason, in the back of my mind, I felt as if we had met before. We gazed at each for a couple more seconds before my attention was drawn away by the red-headed boy.

"If you need anything milady, feel free to ask me," the boy did a mock little bow to continue the noble theme I have no doubt. "My name is Wally West and I am delighted to be of service for whatever you need." He raises his eyebrows in a suggestive manner to compliment his words. I am such an idiot. I had never seen Kid Flash without his full body suit on, but it all totally makes sense. Dad mentioned that other team members attended school here so I'm assuming that is what he was referring to. Looks like school wasn't going to be a safe space from unwanted advancements from KF.

I glanced over to Artemis and as if she could read my mind she gave me a curt nod to acknowledge that I right with my assumption. I wondered if Dick knew anything of Artemis and Wally's alter egos considering they were all friends. My mind started to wonder. They only person I had never seen without their mask was Robin. Suddenly the warning bell sounded to interrupt my thoughts.

"Alright boys, looks like we all should be headed to class," Artemis grabbed my arm and started dragging me down the corridor towards our first class of the day together. I glanced over my shoulder to see Wally and Dick had turned and headed in the opposite direction.

Perhaps there is something at this school for me after all. 


Author's note: This chapter is so long, but I couldn't find a stopping point other than this. Stay tuned for more of their school day. I am really enjoying my progress so far. I hope everyone is doing alright. I am looking forward to Thanksgiving and the break that comes with it. 

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