I. meeting the team

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august 3, 2020
storrs, connecticut

the offices were quite big, a large window overlooking the court. there were 12 girls and a coach huddled in the middle. he spoke to them, pointing and directing them in certain directions before walking off.

jayden peeked around the corner, looking for her "office."
the door had a small silver plaque on it, student manager written across it. she pulled the door open and slowly peeked in, making sure she had the right room.

the office was quite bland, nothing exciting about it. a single desk in the corner, not even a chair placed at it. it had a small window overlooking outside, but you couldn't see much because of the trees.

she placed her bag down, leaning it against the leg of the desk. a large sigh escaped her lips as she walked across the small room, leaning on the window sill.

behind the girl, the door opened and she swung around. she smiled at the man and introduced herself, "hi, i'm jayden."

"nice to meet you. i'm coach auriemma." he held his hand out and she shook it, "i want you to meet the girls."

"alrighty," she drug her words, clicking her tongue as she spoke. geno walked out of the room, holding the door open for her, "thanks."

coach led jayden out of the offices and down the stairs, through a hallway and finally onto the court.

"Hey!" he yelled out, clapping his hands, "everybody come here."
the team jogged over, standing in a half-circle. "alright guys, this is jayden. team manager."

she waved awkwardly at the group of girl, hoping that everything would go well, "hey..." but she only earned a few mumbles in return, a tension covering the air.

"anyways, you all better warm up to each-other quick. got it?"
the team nodded in response, most of them saying yes coach.

"go finish your warmups now," he rushed. "they aren't that comfortable with each-other yet. half the team is freshmen."

"yeah... you can kind of tell."

"they'll get used to it. i can tell." he smiled.

jayden laughed lightly, "its not like they have a choice."

"yes. why don't you set your office up?" he spoke, pointing upwards.

"yeah, sure." she started to walk away then stopped and turned, "is there any extra chairs?"

"yes. you can grab one from the closet." her eyebrows furrowed and she began to ask a question, but was cut off, "second door to the left of yours."

"yep, thanks."

jayden walked out of the gymnasium, mumbling to herself the second she got out of the doors. "shit."

she peeked around the corners and looked for signs on how to get back upstairs. nothing. in the end, she ending up wandering around until she got to the front of the building. from there, jayden was able to figure out how to get upstairs to her office again.

she counted two doors to the left and opened the closet. it was dark and dusty but, it had like an abundance of office chairs!

she couldn't help but think that it was kind of weird, but who cared. she took the comfiest one after testing them all. it was brown leather and worn in, but it was so cozy.

jayden rolled it over to her office, and placed it right by her desk. she unlocked her phone and opened her notes app, making a list.

things i should get for my "office"
• desk organizer
• calendar
• thumb tacks
• cork board
• succulent for the window

the thought of the entire thing was still crazy. jayden sat down in her chair and pulled her legs to her chest. the whole reason she applied was because she had torn her achilles beginning of her senior year and had to drop out of sports. this was her way of being near them still.

she just hoped it wasn't to much to handle. a degree for sports medicine was her goal. the girl pulled her laptop out of her bag and opened it, smiling at the lockscreen. a photo of her with her dog, back at home. she unlocked the computer and opened her checklist, the only thing being unpacking her stuff into her dorm.

the school year hadn't started yet, but she was there early because of the management stuff. she had got a single room, close to the athletic dorms. it was the next hallway over, but still very close.

jayden popped her airpods in and turned on a show, sitting back into the chair. before she knew it, she had been sitting in her office doing absolutely nothing for two hours.

the only thing that pulled her out of the show she has watching was a knock at the door, two girls poking their heads in. "hey, whats up?"

they fully opened the door and walked in, "hi. i'm paige. this is nika."

she smiled at the two, "hi, i'm jayden."

"yeah, we kinda know."

she let out a sigh, "i figured."

"we wante-" paige began before the other one cut her off, "no, p. you wanted to know."

she blonde gave her a look and shrugged before turning back towards jayden. "sorry. i guess, i wanted to know if you needed help getting anything set up."

"no, i- kind of. i don't really know."
she dropped her legs on the chair and folded her hands in her lap.

"i just have to unpack my room n' stuff. and i have to grab some stuff for my office because i didn't know i was getting one until i got here this morning."

the brunette girl laughed, "they didn't tell you?"

"no! when i got here, they sent me up and told me to look for the student managment room because apparently its mine," she giggled out, looking up at the taller girls.

paige then gasped loudly, "we should go to the store!"

"p. calm down. you wanna go, jayden?" nika asked, looking at the girl expectantly.

jayden immediately stood up from her chair, nodding. she closed her laptop and slipped it into her bag, slinging it over her shoulders. "lets go," she giggled out.

 "lets go," she giggled out

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authors notei have this entire thing planned im so excited

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authors note
i have this entire thing planned im so excited

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