VI. dory?

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december 5, 2020
storrs, connecticut

the light spilling through the windows made jaydens head throb. she rolled off the bed and instantly rushed to the bathroom. she didn't even knock, she just pushed the door open.

nika was stood infront of the mirror, tying her hair back for the day. "oh hey, goodmorning," she mumbled, very focused on slicking her hair back perfectly. jayden shoved past the girl, kneeling over the toilet immediately. "oh shit, you good?"

nika bent down next to the girl and pulled her hair back, rubbing her back softly. after a minute, jayden slumped into the girls side. "im really sorry, i should go."

"no, come lay back down," she went to say no, but nika quickly fought down the girls protests. she wrapped her arm around jaydens waist and lifted her up slowly, bringing her back to the room.

jayden winced, burying her head into the girls chest, "niks, close the blinds, please." nika placed her back in the bed and walked over to the window to shut it. she sat down next to the girl, pulling a blanket over her. "my head hurts so bad, how much did i drink?"

the taller girl laughed, her accent poking through, "to much."

"yeah, i figured." she pulled a second blanket around herself, sinking back into the bed. "what even happened last night, i can't-"

nika breath hitched and she cut the girl off mid sentence, "im gonna grab you some advil."

the truth was, every since last night, jayden was the only thing on her mind. and the worst part is, she knew that it probably meant nothing. she was drunk and wasn't thinking straight, right?
she felt bad for thinking about how jaydens lips felt on hers, even if it was only for a second.

she let out a deep breath the second she left the room and walked to the cabinet, pulling out the bottle of pills. two fell out into her palms when she shook it. nika grabbed a glass of water and walked back to the bedroom. she handed her the pills and placed the water on her nightstand.

"thanks... you never answered my question," she muttered while taking a sip of water and popping the pills into her mouth.

"i mean you just got really drunk. i brought you home. nothing really happened." nika was actively avoiding eye contact with the girl, because every time she looked jayden in her eyes she just wanted her... more?

but that was wrong. jayden is a girl.

"i wonder if this is what dory feels like... not remembering anything?"

"go back to sleep."


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authors notethis is a filler btw!!!

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this is a filler btw!!!

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