XVI. open up

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july 17, 2021
storrs, connecticut

nika snored lightly, bundled up cutely in her blanket. her head was lied softly on her pillow, back pressed up against the wall. across the room, jayden lied awake while staring at the ceiling.

she rolled out of bed, feet landing softly on the pale wooden floors. jayden pushed herself lightly onto the girls bed, pulling the blanket onto herself carefully. nika groaned quietly, "jayds?"

"sorry... couldn't sleep."

the girl giggled tiredly, "yeah, i figured. you should probably just sleep here instead on moving halfway through the night." she pulled jayden closer to herself, her voice quieting down to a whisper. "i'm worried about you."

her hand found nikas, and the girl squeezed it softly back. "you know you can talk to me, right?"

jayden sniffled, tears instantly welling in her eyes. "yeah," she choked out. "i mean- i just really miss him."

"thats okay," she mumbled, pulling jayden into her chest. she pulled her head off of her chest, resting her chin there instead so she could look up at the girl, "and sometimes i still text him, even though i know he won't reply."

she stopped her words, suddenly changing subjects, "can we talk about us?"

nika brushed flyaway strands of hair of out jaydens face, a confused look on hers. "do you want to talk about us?"

she laughed softly, hand tracing along her waist. "yeah. i mean, we said we were gonna take it slow, and i-

"you know that i still like you, right?" she said abruptly, cutting her off mid sentence.

she let out a soft laugh, sinking back into the girls embrace. "yeah, but like... why?"

"because your so funny, and absolutely gorgeous, and you make me happy."

a red instantaneously covered the girls face, and she burrowed it into her neck to hide the blush. speaking softly, she said. "maybe we don't have to take things as slow as were are."

"i was hoping you would say that." she whispered, sitting up slowly to grab another blanket. nika drapped it over the two of them, laying back down. "i guess you'll just have to let me take you out for lunch tomorrow?"

"i think i might just have to say yes."


july 18, 2021storrs, connecticut

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july 18, 2021
storrs, connecticut

the next morning, when jayden woke up she was still wrapped tightly in nikas arms. she shuffled slightly, looking up the brunette girl. her mouth was faintly agape, tired breaths emitting from it.

jayden groaned, stretching her arms. "nika."

the croatians eyes shot open, sitting up slowly. "do we have practice?"

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