XVII. staring

732 24 1

july 20, 2021
storrs, connecticut

jaydens face hung sadly as she looked at the screen, her messages a reoccurring blue colour. she knew that he wasn't going to answer, but it didn't stop her.

when a text bubble popped up on the left side of the screen with three blinking dots, her heart dropped. "shit, no!" she cried, slamming her phone down.

jayden slowly picked up her phone and looked at the screen, tears forming in her eyes as she read the message.

jayden slowly picked up her phone and looked at the screen, tears forming in her eyes as she read the message

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her stomach dropped, a sob instantly coming from her mouth

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her stomach dropped, a sob instantly coming from her mouth. she stood up from her bed, walking slowly towards the door.

jayden turned the handle and walked down the hall, her fist lightly knocking on a door. paige appeared on the other side, instantly pulling her into a hug. "jayds, whats wrong?"

she cried heavily as the blonde pulled her into the room, where nika was sat playing fortnite. she immediately turned the screen of, shooting out of the chair and rushing over.

paige let go of her, and nika wrapped her arms tightly around the girl. her head rested in the crook of her neck as she cried, tears staining the collar of nika's shirt.

she mumbled softly into her ear, comforting her. "come sit down, please."

jayden sat down the the edge of paiges bed, sniffling as she continued crying. the blonde knelt down infront of her, wiping tears off her face. "what happened?"

"they gave somebody-" she choked out, trying to pull herself together. her words came out quickly, "they gave somebody my dad's number."

nika sat next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, "i still text him and now i can't."

"shit." she mumbled out, looking over at paige. "it's gonna be okay."

paige nodded at the girl, "why don't we get you to your room. it's pretty late anyways."

jayden pushed herself off the bed, walking without looking at either of them. nika rushed after her, grabbing her hand. "can you try to breath? take in a good deep breath."

jayden took in a breath, leaning into nika.

nika smiled at her softly, before looking down at her phone. "its nine at night. lets go to bed, baby," she whispered out, waving goodbye to paige and mouthing a thank you.

she led the girl into the hallway, whispering condolences as they walked.

once they reached their room, jayden instantly rushed towards her bed, nika following closely behind. she melted into her bed instantaneously, blankets covering her lightly. nika stood next to the girl and her hand brushed against her cheek, "goodnight."

she tried to walk away but was instantly pulled back, "please stay."


jayden looked her in the eyes, "can you stay with me tonight, please?"

nika nodded, laying down next to the girl. she pulled her into her arms, jaydens head resting on her chest. "thank you."

a small smile covered her face, "yeah, of course. i'll be here when you wake up."

"goodnight, nika."

"goodnight, jayds."


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authors noteokay but like

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authors note
okay but like... this chapter is VERY short. sorry. 😞

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