II. swiped

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august 3, 2020
storrs, connecticut

the three girls poked around the target. "oh my god! we should buy nerf guns!"

nika grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her around, "nope. not today, p." the blonde girl resisted, begging the two brunettes to buy nerf guns so they could have a war.

"paige. theres three of us. how would that work."

"oh shit. okay yeah fine, i guess."
nika sent a grateful glance towards jayden, the girl sending a small smile in return. "kay jayden. whats left on the list?"

the girl scratched her head, handing her phone with the list over to the girl. "uhm. the entire thing."

paige had started to drag the two girls behind her, "what are we lookin for, niks?" she hummed, dancing to the music in the store.

"a desk organizer? where do we even find a desk organizer?" she mumbled out, looking up at the aisle sign.

jayden furrowed her eyebrows, looking around as-well, "do they have a desk section?" she received a look from the taller girl. "mkay, nevermind then."

in the end, they managed to find everything. somehow.
paige and nika were sitting in the front bickering, paige was driving. jayden was sitting in the middle of the backseat, leaning on top of the console.

"no! because its not that funny. jayden do you think its funny?" the blond snapped, glancing off the road for a second.

the brunette replied, "i dunno, i wasn't listening. it probably was."

nika smiled at the girl, ruffling her hair. "thank you! see paige. she has faith in me."

"jayden. do not have faith in nika," she said pointing a finger at the girl.

"oh okay, p. i see how it is."

"i'm sure you do."

jayden pulled herself off the console and laid back into her seat, laughing at the two girls. "jayden you need a nickname or something," paige laughed out.

"yeah like what does your mom call you?" nika turned around to look at the girl. "she calls me jayds..."

"yeah that fits."

over the month of summer training, the team had managed to get into the swing if things

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over the month of summer training, the team had managed to get into the swing if things. jayden had gotten the manager job down, the team was finally playing like, well... a team. school had started up. everything was good.

jayden was slumped over her desk, scrolling through an assignment. frank ocean played loudly through her airpods.

it was so loud that when someone came into her office, she didn't even notice. "jayds? jayden? hello!" she waved her hands infront of the girls face, making her shoot upwards.

"fuck! you scared me," she mumbled, scrambling towards her phone and pausing the music. "whats up, niks?"

"practice is done and i'm hungry but nobody wants to go to dunkin. they're all going to wingstop."

the girl instantly shot up, "wingstop?"

"no!" nika grabbed her arm to stop her from leaving. "dunkins with me. please?"

"yeah, okay."

the warmth of nikas hand on jayden disappeared, leaving the shorter girl with a missing feeling.

"c'mon jayds, lets go," she spoke excitedly, her accent strengthening as she rushed the girl out.

the two made it to the parking lot, seeing half of the team already there, trying to fit into one car. aaliyah poked her head out, shouting at the girl jokingly. "jayden! help!"

the brunette laughed at the girl, walking over to say hi. "guys... why are there seven people in one car? that has four seats?"

paige peeked out from underneath aubrey, "be quiet. its gonna work."

jayden shook her head, walking away with nika. they got into the car. jayden drove and nika sat in the passenger seat.

"jayds, can i have aux?" the girl mumbled out and 'mhm' yelling at some other car.

"you fucking idiot!" she laid on the horn, swerving off to the side as the car side swiped hers. "what the fuck!"

jayden stopped the car completely on the side of the road, resting her forehead against the wheel. "hey, it cant be that bad, okay?" a comforting hand was placed on the girls back.

"he just knocked my fucking mirror off." she turned her head to the side, keeping it on the wheel while looking at the girl.

"oh shit."
nika looked around to see if the other car was there, "i don't think they pulled over?"

"your kidding me." jayden sat up, pulling nika into a side hug. "fuck. you good, though?"

"never better."


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authors notenah cuz this was short asf

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authors note
nah cuz this was short asf

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