XVIII. words that you cannot find

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july 27, 2021
storrs, connecticut

"did you write anything in the journal?" she questioned, tapping the pen open while. awaiting the girls response.

she looked at the councillor. "uhm, no. i promise i tried, i just couldn't find the right words." she muttered, looking down at her legs.

her left one bounced up and down rapidly, and no matter hiw much she focused on it, it just wouldn't stop. it was driving the girl insane.

just then, a voice pulled her out of thought, "jayden?"

her head shot upwards, "right, sorry."

deborah sighed, jotting a quick note down before looking back up at the girl, "i think it would be a good idea for us to get to know each other. it might help with your word retrieval."

jayden nodded slowly, sinking further down into the chair. her previous appointment she sat on the left chair and today she sat on the right chair, hoping it would be more comfortable. it was not, it was actually worse.

the councillor pulled a card game off her shelf, placing it down quietly. "it says its for teenagers, but it's still good, i promise."

she opened the small deck, placing it on the desk between them. deborah took a card off the top of the deck, "we take turns grabbing a card and reading it off. every card has a question and we both answer it."

"thats the entire game?"

"yes, thats all to it."

jayden pulled a card off the top of the deck, placing it face up on the desk. she read it off slowly, "if you could travel anywhere, where would you go?"

deborah thought for a second, "i would go to somewhere tropical, maybe hawaii."

jayden smiled at the thought of a beach vacation, knowing thats wasn't where she would choose, even if it does sound nice. "my bestfriend's from croatia, and she always says that she would bring me someday so i can meet her family so i would probably go there."

she smiled lightly at the thought of it, knowing it would make nika happy. toss it on the bucketlist? she would do anything to see the girl smile.

a hand waved in front of her face, pulling jayden out of her thoughts. "you seem to do that a lot."

"do what?"

"loose focus, get lost in your thoughts." she said, tilting her head slightly.

"oh... i guess so."


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