First Day

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I was only here for a couple weeks before the school year started in August. I will be a senior this year. I was glad all my credits transferred over because now I don't need to take extra classes. My old school actually had more requirements so I have a lot of free periods.

I am currently deciding what to wear. I used to go to a private school and wore uniforms, so I'm not exactly sure what people wear to school. But sone internet research showed that most girls just wear sweatpants or jeans with a cute shirt. Seems good enough for me. I wanted to make a good impression for my first day so I wore a skirt. Nothing crazy as it's just a jean skirt but I'll admit I'm a bit of an attention whore.

My school is a five minute walk from my house, which is nice because I don't have a car yet. Yes I know I'm almost 18 and don't have a car, I'm afraid of driving so I only got my license a few months ago. I'm more of a passenger princess.

I finish my granola bar and grab by bag. I yell bye to my mom and head out the door.

God damn this school is tiny. Like I wasn't expecting some massive schools they have upstate but goodness there has to be less than 500 people who go here.

I see a sign that says "SCHEDULES" so I step in line and wait for mine to be handed to me.

"Last name?" An old lady with those big ass glasses stares at me. I thought those were only in cartoons. Her hair is super frizzy and she's so pale her skin is almost a bluish purple color. She kinda reminds me of those purple minions.


She takes a couple seconds to find it before pulling out the schedule and handing it to me.

"Let me know if you need help finding your way around hon, have a good first day."


I kinda feel bad for comparing her to a minion, she was nice.

I sit in my first class. American Government with Mr. Norris. The people around me are sitting on their phones, not paying much attention. I'm glad this is nothing like the movies, I don't think anyone really cares about new students. I've gotten a few looks from people but considering how small this town is, I'm pretty sure I'm the only person everyone doesn't already know.

American government was easy, these hillbilly kids have it good. What kind of teacher gives no homework?? I mean I'm not complaining but isn't that their job, to make us miserable?

I had 2 more classes, Econ and English 4.

I was thinking about what I was going to eat for lunch and didn't even notice I was about to walk right into someone.

"Ow, what the fuck?" A blonde girl says, dropping down to pick up the book she just dropped after I ran right into her.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry that was completely an accident. I wasn't even paying attention."

She looked up at me. Wow she's pretty. Her hair is blonde and has a gorgeous wave to it. Not super curly but not straight either, a perfect in between.

It contrasts her tan skin, not like those splotchy fake tans, but a real one. You can tell she spends lots of time outside.

She has freckles all over her face and her eyelashes are so long and full they look fake. I don't know what lip shade she uses but it looks so good on her and-

"Hello? Are you okay? I didn't mean to come off as rude, I was just caught off guard you know?"

"Oh...yeah. Yeah I'm fine, sorry. Your hair looks really nice"

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