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It's the Friday before Christmas break. Everyone else is taking their final exams ready for their break filled with gifts and vacation.

I have regionals tomorrow.

Well actually, WE have regionals. I don't know who decided to make our playoff games during winter break, but I don't like them.

At least Sienna convinced her parents to travel with us when we go to state (which we will).

They just don't know that Sienna and I are gonna be in the same room...alone.

Not that it would make them mad, our parents don't know we're even dating. They suspect nothing and they're probably already aware we'll be sharing a room.

We sit at our lunch table and talk about the week ahead of us.

We complain about our Spanish final because our teacher, Mrs. Feber is actually batshit.

Who gives a presentation final with the radio blasting in the background? She failed half the class because we were being "too quiet".

"I heard she's gonna get fired, you can't just fail like 50 kids and expect to still have a job." Ezra says.

Sienna and I nod in agreement.

"So what's the rooming situation gonna be like for state?" He asks.

"Well Sienna and I are together. I'm assuming Ezra you'll be with another boy if there are any. Kayla, Jess, and Aubrey will be together. And I assume Hope, Katelyn, and Mia will also be together. Not sure about everyone else."

I realized I rambled so they wouldn't catch that Sienna and I are together.

"Just try not to be too loud, I don't wanna be up all night hearing you guys." Aubrey says.

"Y'all are nasty." Sienna says. "Do you seriously think that's all we do?"

"Exactly!" I think to myself.

We haven't fucked for like 2 whole chapters 😒

Sienna puts down her phone and rolls her eyes.

"What's up?" I ask her quietly.

"Remember those girls I used to be friends with for like ever? They just posted this."

She shows me her phone. It's Ally's spam account, she did a first semester photo dump on her Instagram.

Instead of simply cropping Sienna out of the photo, they took the time to scribble over her completely.

"Shitbags." I say. "At least you can't tell it's you in any of these."

"Look at the first comment" she says. Tears beginning to fill her eyes.

It reads

"Y'all finally dropped her?"

Ally comments under it, "Duh, we don't hang out with fags"

Oh hell no.

I stand up immediately, scanning the lunch tables to try and find that bitch.

I see their table across the room and start walking over there.

I hear Sienna and the rest of the group trying to tell me to stop, but all I can think about is how badly I'm gonna beat the shit out of this girl.

Ally sees me coming up to her

"Oh hey, how's you're girlfriend doing?" She asks, her question is followed by snickers from the rest of the group.

"Go to hell." I tell her.

She starts to say something rude in response but I shut her up by smacking her across the face.

Her friends gasp and it seems like the whole lunchroom turns towards us.

"You fucking bitch!" She tells me, getting up quickly from her chair.

She lunges at me, trying to punch me but I am able to dodge it quick enough.

I punch her straight in the face, I notice her nose immediately starting to bleed. I didn't realize I could punch so hard.

I am not trying to badly hurt her, so I end it there. She is on the floor, her face bloody and bruised.

"Say that about my girlfriend again and I'll kill you."

She starts to cry. I leave before any teacher notices.

I go back to the lunch table and see Sienna is gone.


I thought I had dodged getting in trouble, but about 20 minutes later I get called down to the office.

The principal questions me about what I did and told me that Ally's parents showed up and they were livid.

I explained the entire situation, telling the principal that I was gay and that my girlfriend Sienna was too. And that Ally had been bullying her and calling her homophobic slurs. I made sure to sound super remorseful and all apologetic.

"I see." The principal says.

She calls the parents and Ally into the room, she's still holding tissues up to her bloody nose.

"I understand you are probably very confused and upset. But I have received word from Margot and many other kids at the school that Ally has been using social media to cyber bully a fellow student named Sienna Johansson. One of these interactions invoked a homophobic slur to be used. This greatly goes against our inclusivity and respect policy, and that alone would warrant at least a detention. While the situation was greatly escalated by Margot's physical actions, I cannot deny that she didn't have reason to do so. We do not support bullying nor physical violence at Harmon High School, so both of you will have detention for the next 2 weeks. If it happens again, you with be suspended."

"I'm sorry, you did what?" Ally's father asked her.

"You did not tell us you were cyber bullying someone??" Her mother adds.

Ally starts to cry.

"And Sienna? We are very close to her parents, why would you do such a thing?" Her dad says.

"Give me your phone, you're grounded." Her mom says.

"We are so sorry for this entire situation Ma'am. We can assure you it won't happen again." Her dad says.

Her father turns to me.

"I don't want you laying a finger on my daughter again, but I appreciate you standing up for your friend." He says.

He grabs Ally's phone from her mother and they both get up and leave.

Ally is left in tears, I'm trying not to hide my smile.

"I apologize again Mrs. Grant. It will not happen again, I am a good student but was just trying to stick up for my friend." I say.

"I appreciate that Ms. Keaton. You're a good kid, I don't want to see you here again, you hear me?"

"Yes ma'am. Have a good day."

"You do the same."

I leave, trying to hide the smirk covering my face.

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