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I left Sienna's house at 11:59, even though she begged me to stay. I told her I'd come by tomorrow. I need some time alone, to do some thinking.

I sit down at the computer in the makeshift office we made (it's just the dining room but we don't use it). I turn on incognito mode and search "Am I Gay Quiz?"

I fill out all the questions, it tells me that I have "homosexual tendencies" the fuck is that supposed to mean?

"What are you doing"


I turned around, trying my best to block the screen. My older brother Charlie is standing behind me.

"Nothing" I say. Hoping he won't ask any more questions.

"Uh...okay. Wait you aren't watching like- porn are you?"

"Eww no! Why the fuck would I be doing that, especially on the family computer?"

"Well you were pretty quick to hide it. Sorry for intruding, I didn't realize it was something personal."

"No, it's okay. I was taking a buzzfeed quiz." I moved from in front of the screen, letting him see.

"Oh." He said. I start to sweat. My brother knows I'm gay, I don't even know if I'm gay. But now Charlie does.

"I'm sorry." I say. I don't know why I'm apologizing.

"Don't apologize, it's cool." He sat next to me. "Nothing you can do or say will ever make me hate you, I mean unless you say you're a Red Sox fan."

"Oh I'd rather die" I say, laughing. We were one of the very few people living in Boston who liked the Yankees , Charlie likes to tell his friends that is why we left. I think part of him misses my dad, maybe part of me does too...

"I'm heading to bed, goodnight maggot."

That's his nickname for me, Maggot. My first grade teacher completely butchered my name on the first day of school, he thought it was hilarious. So now I am Maggot.

"Night, Charles"

"Don't call me that!" He yelled from the stairs.

His full name is Charles, named after my grandfather. But he doesn't like when people call him that, I don't blame him. Charles doesn't match his vibe, like at all.

I opened my phone and texted Sienna

"Just came out to my brother, NOT on purpose lol"

"OMG! So proud of you. So do u think ur a lesbian? Or like bi?"

"Honestly, I don't rlly know. I just know that I like u"

Ugh that was so cringe.

I head upstairs and brush my teeth and wash my face. I say goodnight to my mom and go back to the basement and lay in bed. I'm still wearing Sienna's shirt.

I am just starting to get comfortable when I hear a knock on my window. I look over and sure enough, it's Sienna.

That clingy little bitch.

I open the window for her and she climbs into my room. Luckily my room is in the basement so it's basically impossible for anyone to hear us. But to be honest, my mom doesn't really care. I mean it's a weekend and I am in the house.

"Hi" Sienna says, looking around my room. "I've only seen your room in pictures and on FaceTime."

"Yeah, it's nothing crazy, but I like it."

"I like it too." She smiles at me and I can feel myself blushing

"Not to be rude or anything but...why are you here?"

"Oh, yeah. Well, you left your shirt at my house. I figured you would want to keep mine, since I have two."

"Oh, thank you. I didn't even notice, sorry."

"Don't be sorry, I would have worn it but now I associate The Beatles shirt with kissing you."

I smiled. So did she.

"I had fun today" I said.

"Me too" She sits on my bed, clearly wanting me to sit next to her.

I sat next to her and put my hand on her cheek. I kissed her forehead. She smiled and kissed mine.

"I think I'm gay, Sienna"

She gasps "Oh no! What will I do??" She says pushing me down onto my back.

"I guess you're gonna have to kiss me again." I say pulling her on top of me.

She doesn't waste any time. Using her arms to hold her up as she kisses me. She moves her hand so she's pinning me to the bed as we kiss. Fuck, she's so hot. But I decide I've had enough of her on top.

I push her off of me and switch places with her, pinning her to the bed. She pulls me down against her so that our faces are mere inches away.

"You're so pretty, Mar."

"You're so pretty, Sienna."

We end up making out on my bed for about an hour. But Sienna worked early the next morning, so she had to leave.

I offered to walk her out the front door, but she said the window worked just fine.

After we said bye for about ten full minutes, I was able to lay down and try to fall asleep. Emphasis on try, I don't think I will be able to sleep well after what happened today.


It's Monday, tryouts are today.

School flew by fast, I had fitness with Sienna again. She's my spotter. She got really close while I was squatting today. You're supposed to grab near their ribs to help them back up, her hands were practically on my boobs.

I go out to the practice field , nobody is here yet. Not surprising, I'm about 30 minutes early. I put on my cleats and start getting some touches in for a few minutes. I do some stretching and start taking shots on goal.

"Hey" A voice calls from behind me.

"Hi" I say. A boy with curly hair is standing behind me, he's in soccer gear. I wonder if he plays for the boys team.

"Do I know you? I don't recognize you from last year's team, but I saw you warming up and you're like...really really good."

"Thank you. And no I just moved here from Boston. I've been playing for like 14 years."

"Oh shit, I bet the competition there is crazy, don't expect too much today. I mean I love our girls and everything but we're no fancy rich kid city team"

"Don't worry, my expectations are rather low. I am mostly joining to just meet people."

"Well, I'm Ezra. I play for the boys team and am a manager for the girl's team."

"Margot, nice to meet you."


Practice was really fun. The girls are really nice. We already have a group chat, Ezra included. We're gonna go get smoothies together tomorrow.

I'm really glad I came here. I lived in Boston for years and making friends was really hard. I'm only a few weeks into school and not only have a group of girls I really like, but possibly a girlfriend??

Well, she's not my girlfriend. Yet...

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