The Vision

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Alice pov, ~ 3rd person // English classroom, 11:38am

Alice gripped the arms of her chair, knuckles turning white. The familiar nausea churned in her stomach, this time with a vicious intensity that threatened to heave her entire insides out. Her vision blurred at the edges, the fluorescent lights of the classroom warping into a grotesque funhouse mirror image.

Panic bloomed in her chest, cold and suffocating. This wasn't a premonition, a glimpse into the future. This was an attack, a brutal and merciless assault on her senses.

The world dissolved into a horrifying kaleidoscope. The classroom vanished, replaced by a dank, blood-slick alleyway. The stench of decay hit her first, a physical blow that made her gag. In the flickering shadows, a figure emerged.

It was humanoid, but the resemblance ended there. Its skin was a patchwork of raw flesh and bone, its eyes burning embers in the darkness. Razor-sharp teeth gleamed in a slavering maw, a low growl emanating from its throat that vibrated in her very bones.

The figure lunged. Alice felt a searing pain erupt in her shoulder, a sickening crunch echoing in her mind as its claws ripped through her impossibly strong vampire flesh. The agony was a white-hot fire, a physical manifestation of her vision's horror. A scream tore from her throat, a raw, primal sound that shattered the classroom's peaceful monotony.

Her vision swam, the alleyway dissolving into a swirling vortex of pain. The classroom reappeared, warped and distorted by the assault on her senses. Her own screams bounced off the walls, a horrifying echo that fueled her terror. The taste of coppery blood filled her mouth, a phantom sensation that felt terrifyingly real.

The world tilted violently. The chair beneath her dissolved, and then she was falling, a sickening weightlessness pulling at her limbs. A bone-jarring impact against the cold, linoleum floor sent a fresh wave of pain through her already shattered body. But the physical agony was a mere afterthought compared to the psychic assault that continued to tear at her mind.

Convulsions wracked her body. Her limbs jerked and twitched, a horrifying marionette dance conducted by unseen strings of pain. A choked sob escaped her lips, a pathetic sound lost in the rising tide of panic that swept through the classroom.

From the corner of her blurred vision, she saw Jasper. His golden eyes were wide with a terror that mirrored her own. But unlike her, his face wasn't contorted in pain. It was etched with a raw, primal fear she'd never seen in him before.

"Alice! Alice, what's happening?" His voice, usually a soothing balm to her soul, was a desperate plea lost in the cacophony of her vision. He reached for her, his hand hovering hesitantly above her convulsing form.

The concern in his voice, the sheer terror that radiated from him, was a lifeline thrown into the storm raging within her. She wanted to reach for him, to offer some semblance of comfort, but her body wouldn't obey. A whimper escaped her lips, a broken sound that spoke volumes of the agony tearing her apart.

This had never happened before. Her visions, while terrifying, had never been this... this real. This wasn't just a glimpse into the future; it was an assault, a monstrous violation that ripped at the very fabric of her being.

The classroom dissolved into a kaleidoscope of panicked faces. Mrs. Cope, their eternally patient English teacher, stood frozen in the middle of the room, her hand hovering uselessly over a stack of papers.

The other students, a mix of bewildered teenagers and curious vampires, pressed back in their seats, their gazes flickering between Alice's thrashing form and Jasper's stricken face. The scent of fear, a metallic tang in the air, filled Alice's senses.

It wasn't just her own terror she was experiencing; it was the collective fear of everyone in the room, amplified by her uncontrollable vision.

"Someone call Carlisle!" Jasper roared, his voice a desperate command that cut through the rising panic. His golden eyes darted around the room, searching for anyone, anything, that could help Alice. His gaze landed on Edward, who sat frozen in the opposite corner, his face a mask of conflicting emotions.

"Edward! Get Carlisle!" Jasper's voice cracked with desperation. "Now!"

Edward's golden eyes flickered to Alice, then back to Jasper, a silent debate raging within him. He knew the danger of interfering with Alice's visions, the potential to worsen the attack.

Yet, the raw terror in Jasper's voice, the sight of Alice's normally graceful body contorted in pain, was a plea he couldn't ignore entirely. With a swift, silent movement, Edward vanished from his seat.

The classroom door burst open, then slammed shut again with a bang.

{{Hey Lovelies!! This type of fanfic is slightly different from what i'm usually writing. Feel free to request stuff because my darling brain can barely scrap any ideas together. Kisses! 💋🥰}}

Word Count: 807

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