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A gasp tore from my throat, a strangled sound that ripped through the car's silence. My vision slammed into me, a brutal tableau of icy water and lifeless limbs. Bella, her once bright hair a tangled mess, lay submerged in the churning depths, a ghostly reminder of the life extinguished. Panic clawed at my throat, constricting my airways. This couldn't be real. It couldn't.

But the image remained, a horrifying echo of the future flickering before my eyes. The sheer brutality of it ripped away any sense of control. Her lifeless eyes, staring blankly into the abyss, haunted me with a chilling finality.

A strangled sob escaped Edward's lips, so raw and primal it sent shivers down my spine. His hand, cold and clammy, gripped mine with a desperate vice. I squeezed back, the flimsy touch a paltry display of comfort against the storm raging within him.

My vision flickered once more, a brief glimpse of a figure diving into the water, a desperate attempt at rescue. But it wasn't Edward, not in this vision. This figure was a blur, a dark silhouette against the churning water. My heart hammered a frantic rhythm against my ribs, a desperate hope battling against the despair that threatened to consume me.

But the uncertainty did little to alleviate the pain etched on Edward's face. His eyes, usually a vibrant emerald, were vacant, hollow shells reflecting the devastation that mirrored my own. This wasn't just heartbreak; it was a living death. He wouldn't survive without Bella.

"Alice," his voice was a broken rasp, barely a whisper that scraped against the raw silence. "Tell me... is she... is she..."

The words wouldn't come. The pain, the stark reality of Bella's lifeless form, choked them back. He didn't need words. He'd already seen, felt the chilling truth through our shared bond.

A sob choked back in my throat. Words were useless. In that moment, all the visions, all the foresight I possessed, felt utterly meaningless. How could I, the seer, let this happen? How could I have failed to see a future so bleak, so utterly devoid of the vibrant human who had become a part of our family?

Through the blurry haze of tears, I saw Jasper's hand reach out, his golden eyes reflecting a concern that mirrored my own. But there was no judgment, no blame. He knew, just as I did, that the future was fluid, ever-changing. Yet, the despair in Edward's eyes was a crushing weight, a premonition of a future far worse than any vampire hunter or vengeful coven.

We had lost Bella. And in losing her, Edward had lost a piece of himself, a part that wouldn't be easily mended. The car sped on, the scenery blurring into a meaningless collage of trees and asphalt. But it was the chilling image of Bella, lifeless and lost, that dominated my vision, a constant reminder of the future I had failed to prevent.

Jasper's hand squeezed mine, his touch a grounding force amidst the emotional turmoil. "Alice," he murmured, his voice rough with concern, "what did you see?"

Tears welled up in my eyes afresh. How could I explain the horrific tableau that had played out in my mind? The words felt inadequate, a betrayal of the raw emotions swirling within me.

"Bella..." I choked out, my voice thick with despair. "She jumped. The water..." I couldn't finish the sentence. The image of Bella's lifeless form was too vivid, too horrifying to articulate.

Rosalie looked slightly pained for her sibling, "Oh, Bella why? Why do you have to keep hurting my family?"

Edward's breath hitched, a sharp intake of air that spoke volumes of his dawning realisation. His grip on my hand tightened, his knuckles white with the strain. A flicker of something dangerous, a feral glint, sparked in his emerald eyes. It was a look I hadn't seen since our first encounter with James, a glimpse of the monster he could become in the face of such despair.

Alice x Jasper Oneshots ~~~ TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now