The baseball scene

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Lightning ripped across the sky, illuminating the field in a momentary flash of brilliance. Thunder roared, a guttural growl mirroring the competitive fire burning in my gut. Rain lashed against the makeshift tarp, the scent of damp earth filling the air. Forget Edward's mind-reading, the storm mirrored my own electric energy. Tonight wasn't just a baseball game – it was a showcase.

A mischievous glint sparked in my eyes as I caught a glimpse of Bella huddled beneath the tarp with Esme. Her wide eyes, a pale contrast to the dark forest behind her, held a mix of curiosity and nervous apprehension. Perfect.

With a playful tug, I adjusted the damp glove on my hand, the cold leather a stark contrast to the warmth radiating from my body. Jasper, across the makeshift diamond, cracked his knuckles, his golden eyes gleaming with anticipation. Rosalie, ever the competitor, bounced on the balls of her feet at first base, her platinum blonde hair plastered to her forehead by the rain. Even Emmett, usually more of a brute force player, vibrated with an almost childish eagerness.

This was more than just a game – it was a family tradition, a way to blow off steam and flaunt our otherworldly abilities to the unsuspecting Bella. Edward, ever the stoic, stood with Carlisle near the outfield, a hint of amusement playing on his lips even as his mind undoubtedly read the competitive chaos swirling around him.

The bat crackled in Jasper's hand, a rhythmic counterpoint to the rain. Taking a deep breath, I channeled the storm's raw energy into my throw. My vision flickered, a split-second glimpse into the future – the perfect trajectory, the precise swing. The baseball, a blur of white against the churning clouds, shot towards Jasper faster than humanly possible.

He barely had time to react. A grunt escaped his throat as he swung, the bat connecting with the ball in a resounding crack. The impact sent a thrill through me, a jolt of shared triumph. But this was no ordinary hit.

My vision flickered once more, showing me the impossible curve the ball would take. Rosalie, her eyes narrowed in concentration, wouldn't stand a chance at the base she was currently guarding. A mischievous grin spread across my face.

With a preternatural grace, I launched myself across the field, easily surpassing human speed. The rain blurred into a watery mess, but my vision remained sharp, focused on the rapidly descending ball. Just before it would have whizzed past Rosalie, I leaped.

My fingers brushed the damp leather, barely a whisper of a touch, as I redirected the ball with a flick of my wrist. It arced sharply, a white streak defying gravity, and slammed into Emmett's outstretched glove at third base. He let out a triumphant roar, his booming voice momentarily overcoming the storm's fury.

The rest of the game was a blur of impossible catches, lightning-fast throws, and superhuman speed. Each time I pitched, I used my visions to orchestrate the perfect play, weaving a dazzling dance of superhuman feats. Bella's awestruck gaze was a constant source of amusement, fueling the competitive fire burning within me.

Suddenly, a vision stopped me dead in my tracks. A group of unknown vampires was approaching us, fast. Their faces were contorted in predatory hunger, their eyes burning with a desire that sent a shiver down my spine, even with my centuries of experience. Panic clawed at my throat, a cold dread slithering down my spine. This wasn't random; they were here for us, and Bella was caught in the crossfire.

My heart hammered against my ribs, a frantic drumbeat against the backdrop of the storm. My vision, a horrifying tableau of approaching danger, ripped through the competitive haze. Three figures emerged from the rain-soaked trees, their faces obscured by shadows, but their predatory aura unmistakable.

"Stop!" The word ripped from my throat, tearing through the cheers and laughter that had filled the clearing. Everyone froze, heads whipping towards me, expressions morphing from amusement to confusion in a heartbeat.

"What's wrong, Alice?" Edward's voice, usually calm and collected, held a flicker of concern as he read the raw terror emanating from my thoughts.

"Vampires," I gasped, the words tumbling out in a rush. "Three of them. Coming this way."

The playful mood evaporated as quickly as the morning mist. Carlisle's brow furrowed in worry, his gaze darting towards the treeline. Rosalie's lips curled into a snarl. "Ugh, they seriously have to ruin our game." Emmett, the ever-enthusiastic one, seemed to relish the prospect of a fight, a glint of excitement replacing his usual goofy grin.

Suddenly, the figures emerged from the trees, stepping into the clearing. The leader, tall and imposing with an air of weary nobility, was the first to speak.

"Apologies for the interruption," his voice rumbled, surprisingly cultured for someone emerging from a thunderstorm. "We stumbled upon your game and couldn't resist the opportunity to join. May we?" He gestured towards the makeshift field, a flicker of amusement playing on his lips.

Carlisle, ever the diplomat, assessed the situation with a practiced eye. These vampires were unknown, their motives shrouded in mystery. But Laurent, the leader, exuded an aura of control that put Carlisle at some ease. After a moment's hesitation, he nodded curtly.

"Sure. Why not?"

We turned, heading back to the game, but Edward, Bella and James remained, staring eachother down. Finally James turned away, but at that moment a breeze blew Bella's hair his way.

"You've brought a snack."

Then, in a flash, it happened. James, his crimson eyes glinting with predatory hunger, lunged towards Bella. A guttural growl ripped from his throat, the sound raw.

In a heartbeat, Edward was between James and Bella. He moved with vampire speed, a blur of bronze against the rain-soaked clearing. Esme, with a gasp, shoved Bella behind her, her protective instincts kicking in. Bella, wide-eyed with terror, clung to Esme's arm. Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper and I stood guard, our postures radiating a fierce protectiveness. Carlisle stepped forward, his voice calm but firm.

"There will be no fighting here," he declared, his presence radiating a commanding aura. "Leave. Now."

James grinned. Victoria, his mate, glared at us, her face contorted in a mask of fury. But they knew they were outnumbered. With a final menacing glare, they retreated into the storm-drenched forest, James throwing an arm around Victoria, their forms disappearing into the downpour. 

The rain continued to lash down, but the clearing felt colder, emptier, now that the threat had passed. The playful mood of the game was gone, replaced by a tense silence. Bella, still staring  at the treeline, cast a fearful glance around.

"Who were they?" she whispered, her voice barely audible over the drumming of the rain.

We exchanged a worried look, the weight of the encounter settling on our shoulders. This wasn't a random encounter. These vampires were here for a reason, and that reason, I feared, was Bella. The game was over, replaced by a more serious concern – how to protect Bella from the unknown threat that had just materialised in our midst.

Another vision hit me, a flash of images – James, a predator, his crimson eyes fixated on Bella, the thrill of the hunt twisting his cruel smile. He wasn't like Laurent and his coven, content to live amongst nomads. James was a tracker, a nomad who thrived on the thrill of the chase. And Bella, with her sweet, intoxicating scent, had become his prey.

A cold dread coiled in my stomach. This wasn't just some passing confrontation. James wouldn't be easily deterred. He was a relentless hunter, and Bella was a target he wouldn't abandon easily.

{{Hellloooo Lovelies... This was very much like the actual scene, but my brain cannot seem to come up with much. Please suggest for the love of my brain. Kisses!! 💋🥰}}

Word Count: 1287

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