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Disquiet hummed beneath the surface of the hotel room, a discordant note in the sterile silence. Bella, still visibly shaken from the events of the day, huddled on the edge of the unmade bed. Her gaze flickered listlessly at the flickering television screen, a pale imitation of the storm brewing within her.

 Her brow furrowed in a worry line that seemed permanently etched between her hazel eyes. The forced smile she'd offered after the phone call felt like a flimsy curtain drawn over a deeper turmoil. Jasper, his usual stoicism amplified into an unsettling stillness, sat across from her, his gaze fixed on a point just beyond the window.

 Though silent, his tense posture spoke volumes about his concern. I shared his unease. The events on the mountain, James' chilling presence, and the unsettling phone call Bella had received earlier left a knot of apprehension tightening in my stomach.

Suddenly, a wave of dizziness washed over me, the world around me dissolving into a kaleidoscope of colors. Gasping, I squeezed my eyes shut, forcing myself to focus on the overwhelming sensation. 

In the blink of eye, a clear image flooded my vision. It wasn't the jumbled mess of emotions I usually sifted through, but a scene as clear as crystal. A dusty ballet studio, a relic of a forgotten past, sunlight streamed through grime-coated windows, casting long shadows across the worn wooden floor. 

A lone figure, impossibly tall and cloaked in darkness, stood rigidly in the center of the room, an aura of menace radiating from their imposing form. And then, Bella, her face a mask of stark terror, appeared in the doorway, her gaze drawn towards the shadowed figure.

My vision snapped shut, leaving me gasping for breath. My stomach lurched, a sickening certainty settling in my gut. That wasn't a random vision – it was a glimpse of the future, a horrific tableau waiting to unfold. Panic pricked at my skin, a cold dread slithering down my spine. This wasn't supposed to happen. 

We were on borrowed time, a race against the clock to get Bella out before James could make his move. We were supposed to be leaving for the airport tomorrow, putting James and his threat far behind us.

My eyes darted towards Jasper, searching for a flicker of recognition, some sign that he had witnessed the same vision. But his face remained unreadable, a mask of stoicism that did little to hide the tension radiating from his rigid posture. "Alice?" Jasper's voice, deceptively calm, cut through the silence. It was a question, not a request, a confirmation disguised as a query.

"It was a vision, wasn't it?" he asked, his voice laced with a concern that went beyond the immediate situation. "Draw what you see," he ordered gently, his hand reaching out to clasp mine, his touch grounding me amidst the swirling vortex of fear.

My fingers trembled as I reached for a pen and the first scrap of paper I could find. Words wouldn't be enough; I needed to capture the raw terror, the chilling details of the scene. Lines bled onto the paper as I sketched the dusty studio, the menacing figure, and Bella's terrified face. 

Each stroke felt like a desperate attempt to ward off the impending doom, my fear manifesting on the paper in a stark, black and white reality.

As I finished the last stroke, a cold dread washed over me. Jasper, his golden eyes locked on the drawing, mirrored my terror. The air crackled with unspoken understanding. We both knew what this meant. This wasn't just some random vision; it was a chilling glimpse into the future, a deadly trap waiting for Bella.

"We need to leave," Jasper said, his voice tight with urgency, the calm facade finally giving way to the raw fear that mirrored my own. "Now."

Bella, startled by the sudden shift in our mood, finally looked up. Her brow furrowed in confusion, the remnants of her forced smile fading into a frown.

 "What? Why?" she asked, her voice laced with suspicion.

There was no time for explanations, not when a vision this clear spelled imminent danger.

 "It's not safe here," I said, my voice raspy with fear. "We have to go. Now."

Bella's eyes narrowed, a flicker of suspicion crossing her face. But before she could protest, Jasper scooped her up in his arms, his superhuman strength making the action seem effortless. Her startled gasp was lost in the blur of vampire speed as he raced out of the room in a heartbeat. I followed close behind, my heart pounding a frantic rhythm against my ribs.

The sterile hallways of the hotel blurred into a dizzying kaleidoscope of colors as I raced after Jasper. We didn't bother with looking human, pushing Bella speedily across empty corridors with inhuman agility and speed. The urgency of the situation gnawed at me, pushing me to move quickly.

{{Hi Lovelies!! Hope you like this, please comment any suggestions and I will try to get back to them. They really do help my dying brain scrap together different ideas to continue writing. Thankyou in advance! Kisses!!!!! 💋💋🥰}}

Word Count: 847

Alice x Jasper Oneshots ~~~ TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now