The paper cut (My version)

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The scent of birthday cake, a cloying sweetness in the normally pristine air of the Cullen house, hung thick and heavy. It was a bizarre setting for a birthday party, especially one Bella Swan hadn't even wanted. Yet, here we were, a tableau of unnerving tension disguised as a festive celebration.

My vision flickered, a kaleidoscope of possibilities swirling before my eyes. Each near-miss, each flinch from Bella as Jasper's gaze lingered on her a beat too long, sent a jolt of panic through me. The intoxicating aroma of her blood, far sweeter than any human I'd ever encountered, had Jasper on a hair trigger.

Then, the inevitable happened. A careless reach for a wrapped gift, a paper cut blossoming on Bella's finger. The metallic tang of blood, a siren song to Jasper's thirst, filled the air.

A primal growl ripped from Jasper's throat, a sound that sent shivers down my spine despite my own years of control. Emmett and Rosalie, their reflexes honed by years of hunting together, moved in a blur, pinning him down with superhuman strength.

Bella, wide-eyed and terrified, stumbled backwards. Edward, in a heartbeat, was between them, a shield against Jasper's fury. The screech of breaking glass echoed through the room as Bella collided with the coffee table, a spray of crimson blooming on her arm.

Carlisle's voice, a calm amidst the storm, cut through the chaos. "Rosalie, Emmett, take him outside now!"

I wanted to join them, to tend to Bella's wounds, to reassure her with the comfort of my touch. But the metallic tang in the air, amplified by the fresh blood on Bella's arm, was a siren call I couldn't ignore. My thirst, usually manageable, threatened to overwhelm me.

"I'm sorry, I can't," I choked out, the words a bitter truth. Carlisle nodded, "Go." His voice, usually a soothing balm, held an undercurrent of urgency that mirrored my own fear.

I didn't need his permission, but the silent acknowledgment calmed a flicker of guilt that threatened to consume me. With a grateful nod, I bolted out the back door.

The cool night air felt like a slap as I burst out the back door. The scent of pine and damp earth, a familiar comfort, did little to quell the fire raging within me. Anger, at myself and Jasper's lack of control, mingled with the raw hunger gnawing at my insides.

I pushed deeper into the woods, the darkness offering a semblance of solace. Tears streamed down my face, a hot counterpoint to the icy grip of my thirst. How could I have let this happen? How could I, the seer, have missed such a critical detail - Bella's blood, a potent lure that threatened to shatter the fragile control we held.

Shame burned in my throat, a bitter aftertaste to my failure. We were supposed to be different, supposed to resist the allure of human blood. And yet, here we were, teetering on the edge of a precipice, Bella caught in the crossfire of our struggle.

As the moon cast its silvery light through the trees, a cold determination settled over me. I wouldn't let this happen again. Not on my watch.

Suddenly, a vision flickered before my eyes, a fleeting glimpse of a snowy landscape, a small cabin nestled amidst the trees. It was a vision unlike any I'd ever experienced, lacking the usual clarity and detail. But amidst the uncertainty, one thing was clear - this was my escape.

Guilt, a suffocating weight, settled upon my shoulders. Was this all I was good for? Visions of escape, while Bella, innocent and trusting, lay wounded back at the house? A sob wracked my body, a raw sound of despair that echoed through the silent trees.

Tonight, I had almost failed to protect Bella, not because of a lack of foresight, but because of my own weakness. The thirst, the constant, gnawing hunger, had clouded my judgement, leaving Bella vulnerable.

I couldn't let this define me. For Bella, for Edward, for all of us, I had to find a way to control this thirst, to be the protector I was meant to be. The vision of the cabin, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness, fueled my resolve.

I would have to be stronger, better, for all of our sakes. I would leave, find this cabin. Take Jazz with me. It would be good, taking a break. A chance to clear my mind.

{{Hi again Lovelies!! Now before you come at me and say this isn't what happened, this is MY version, I took it on a twist, on a different path to make it more interesting. Kisses!!!! 💋🥰}}

Word Count: 764

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