The Road to Forks

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Alice's pov: 3rd person: 3 years before Bella came to Forks.

The rhythmic hum of the Volvo engine vibrated through the tense silence of the car. Alice drummed a manic beat on the cool leather armrest, a stark counterpoint to the desolate landscape flashing by outside the window. The towering pines, shrouded in mist, seemed to echo the turmoil brewing within her.

Another move. Another town uprooted. It felt like a cruel joke, leaving a bitter taste in her mouth. This time, it was worse. The memory of the screams, the sickening spray of blood, still lingered, a haunting reminder of Jasper's slip-up. 

His golden eyes, once pools of molten amber reflecting their love, held a haunted glint now. His silence, a stark contrast to his usual gentle teasing, was a constant weight pressing down on her.

A glance at the rearview mirror revealed Rosalie, a picture of simmering fury. Her perfectly sculpted face was contorted in a snarl, her black eyes narrowed to slits. Her platinum blonde hair, usually meticulously styled in sleek waves, hung in a disheveled mess, mirroring her inner turmoil. 

Emmett, her ever-energetic rock, sat beside her, his hand resting on hers in a silent gesture of support. But even his usually booming laugh and carefree demeanor seemed dimmed, a forced cheerfulness masking the worry etched in his brow.

Up front, Esme hummed softly, a melody that sounded strained even to Alice's preternatural hearing. Carlisle, his face etched with worry lines deeper than any vampire should possess, focused on the road ahead. 

The weight of their secret, the burden of a life lived in the shadows, felt heavier than ever. For the first time in decades, Alice, the seer of the Cullens, felt a flicker of doubt, a fear of the future that chilled her despite her cold skin.

The monotonous scenery blurred into a kaleidoscope of colors as a sudden vision slammed into her. Unlike anything she'd ever experienced before, it was a swirling vortex of light and shadow, a sense of overwhelming pull, a girl with eyes like molten chocolate staring back at her. Panic clawed at her throat, a feeling as foreign as sunlight on her pale skin.

Jasper, his senses attuned to her emotions like a finely tuned instrument, stiffened beside her. His golden eyes, a stark contrast to the unnatural black orbs of the rest of the Cullens who hadn't fed in two agonizing weeks, flicked towards her, his brow furrowed in concern. 

Alice forced a smile, a mask plastered over the chaotic storm raging within her. The vision, so unlike her usual, precise premonitions that unfolded like a well-worn map, left her feeling disoriented, adrift at sea. Was it a warning? A glimpse into their future?

"Everything alright, Alice?" Jasper's voice, a low rumble that sent shivers down her spine despite their shared nature, sent a wave of calmness washing over her. She squeezed his hand, her touch a silent reassurance.

"Just a bit car sick," she mumbled, the lie tasting bitter on her tongue. The vision, with its unsettling uncertainty, hung over her like a storm cloud. For the first time in a long time, Alice, the girl who could see the future, felt utterly lost.

The disquiet settled in her stomach like a lead weight. Unlike her usual visions, clear and concise, this one felt fragmented, a puzzle with missing pieces. There was a girl, that much was certain, a human with an undeniable pull on their future. 

 But the details, the context, remained frustratingly elusive. Was it a threat? A potential ally? The uncertainty gnawed at her, a stark contrast to the comfort of her usual foresight.

Alice stole another glance at Jasper. His golden eyes, a stark reminder of his recent struggle, held a flicker of worry that mirrored her own. He knew something was wrong. He always did. But for the first time, she wasn't sure she could confide in him, not entirely. 

 The vulnerability of the unknown, the fear that flickered in the corners of her mind, was a feeling she wasn't accustomed to sharing, especially not with Jasper, her anchor in the ever-shifting tides of time.

As the miles ticked by, the silence in the car grew heavier, punctuated only by the rhythmic hum of the engine and the occasional sigh from Esme. Alice forced herself to relax, to focus on the familiar scent of Jasper's cologne, a grounding force in the storm of her emotions. But the disquieting image of the girl with chocolate eyes lingered, a haunting premonition of a future yet to be written.

{{Helloooo Lovelies!! How ya doing? Hoped you liked this, I know they're pretty short but whatever.. Hope you enjoyed and keep enjoying! Kisses!!! 💋🥰}}

Word Count: 778

Alice x Jasper Oneshots ~~~ TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now