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Question: What is your main goal? (I added Gino lol)

Ayaka: It's minor but I want to become smarter.

Takeshi: I have 3: going back to Osaka, getting rid of the Organization and fixing stuff with Akio-san.

Kaho: I don't understand why teachers give out so much homework. So, less homework.

Safwana: Why do I keep getting bullied 🥲I want to become better.

Megumi: To marry Midoriya.

Safwana: Miss, Midoriya isn't real, and you're 11 years older than him-

Maria: I don't understand, why do people break the pasta before cooking it!?!?!?!?

Gino: Whatever Maria said.

Kami: Whatever Miss Megumi said but with Takeshi instead.

Kaho: Unfortunately, I found a time machine in the dump and it says he marries Ayaka-chan because long-distance relationships don't work.

Ayaka: This is just some random theory I made up. She's Singaporean-Korean and he's Japanese, I don't think they will work together if they actually married T_T

Safwana: I heard people marry Japanese wives and regret it afterwards. But Takeshi's a guy. It can't be that different, right...?

Takeshi: Regardless, I actually go back?

Lila: Let me continue. To get all the Hetalia merch in the world.

Safwana: Wait, that was my plan! You can have half.

Alicia: To convince Mr. Alan to be normal.

Megumi: Let's do that together!

Priya: To get an early access version of that game Ayaka is making. It's about tanks!

Guizhong: I want a Zhongli plushie. 😄

Takeshi: I have one. Take it.

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