Page 16 (one-shot: the new episode lol)

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The new episode just came out so here's how my OCs would be if they were teachers. Megumi and Guizhong are not included since they are already teachers, and Kiyomi, Alicia, Priya and Gino since they are not in T1-T5.

The forgetful (Ayaka)

Ayaka: So... what are we learning again?

Denise: The quadratic formula.

Ayaka: Ah right, where did I put my markers...

JianHao: Just borrow mine, Miss Ayaka.

Ayaka: Thanks. Wait, what was the quadratic formula again?

Kevin: You know what, screw it.

So there's The strict (Vicky), now there's The stricter (Takeshi)

Vincent: [Playing with phone]

Takeshi: [Walks up to Vincent] If I see you with your phone one more time, you're getting a detention. Now, has anybody completed yesterday's homework assignment?

[No one except Denise and Teverly raise their hands]

Takeshi: What lame excuses have you kids whipped up this time?

Hakim: Mr. Takeshi, I was walking to school, and I was passing by a construction site and a crane accidentally picked up my homework.

Takeshi: That's such a lame excuse! Detention!

Kaho would play out the same as Ayaka

The expert (Safwana)

Safwana: And that's how WW2 ended!

Vincent: How exactly did it start and end again?

Safwana: In September of 1939, Germany wanted to take over Poland, but that triggered responses from other countries which led to a global war. As for how it ended, all other countries have surrendered, but Japan didn't. As a result, the US dropped two bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectively. A peace treaty was signed almost a week later.

Kaho: Mate, I'm from Hiroshima and I never knew the last part...

Ayaka: The rest of my family members are also from Nagasaki. We only moved to Osaka when I was 3.

The pop quiz giver (Maria)

Maria: Time for another pop quiz! Question 1, who was the leader of Italy during WW2?

Everyone: [confused]

Maria: Come on, it's easy! Benito Mussolini!

JianHao: Easy for you to say, you're Italian...

The confused (Lila)

Lila: Guys, how do you pronounce this word? 

Teverly: It's pronounced "oesophagus".

Lila: Okay, thanks!

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