Page 8 (one-shot: if this was set in Hogwarts)

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So basically in this story, Takeshi is Harry, Gino is Ron and Ayaka is Hermione. And the rest are... well, other characters. This is based off a joke about Safwana that I made up; Aloralda used that same joke for Kami. And here we are.

Let's get this over with.

In the potions classroom

[Students chatting]

Professor Snape: SILENCE!

[Students continue chatting]

Takeshi: Guys, can yo-

Professor Snape: I've had enough of you guys. [Points wand at Kami] Imperio.

[Professor Snape instantly gains control over Kami's thoughts]

Gino: Mamma mia. He committed one of the unforgivable curses.

Ayaka: True.

Takeshi: We still need to prepare for OWLs, though. [Glances at Kami] Looks like she already started.

A few days later

Takeshi: OWLs are finally over, and we get a bit more free time before preparing for NEWTs. How's Kami-san doing?

Gino: Still brainwashed by Snape's curse. Now that he's in Azkaban, should we do something?

Ayaka: Sure! Let us try something.

Takeshi: Professor McGonagall taught us to reverse the effects of spells in second year. This only works for transfiguration spells, so I don't know if it will work on this.

Ayaka: Go for it!

Takeshi: [Points wand at Kami] ...Reparifrage.

[Kami goes back to normal]

Ayaka: OMG YES.

Kami: Wow... this is certainly different from how I usually see the world. Did you do this, Takeshi?

Takeshi: [Nods]

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