Page 15 (one-shot: post SAT results)

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JianHao: So, how do you feel about your results? Mine's just... meh.

Ayaka: I'm a humanoid alien and those things are pretty smart, so same reaction as you.

JianHao: Look at him. Seems like he's making some sort of video.

Ayaka: He has a YouTube channel where all he does is procrastinate and do random stuff.

[Both look at Takeshi]

Takeshi: SATは1600点満点中399点で、最低点は400点でした。助けてください。(I got 399 out of 1600 on my SAT, the minimum you could score was 400. Please send help.) 

Comment: 日本にもあるんですか?(They have those in Japan?)

Takeshi: 私はシンガポールに住んでいる -_- (I live in Singapore -_-)

Ayaka: He's just the perfect combination of TwoSet Violin, Steven He and Sora the Troll.

JianHao: Yep.

Student: What did you guys get on the SATs?

Ayaka: Ah, Kiyomi-san! I got a perfect score.

JianHao: 876.

Kiyomi: That's cool, I got... *opens envelope* 390-


Kiyomi: They must have switched my answers! Anyway, what did he get?

Ayaka: 399.

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