Monster Girl Dungeon

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((This is set in medieval times, in a fantasy world, you are an average traveler/explorer, you come upon an unexplored dungeon that had many warning signs as you walk to it, if only you had listened to them, you would have never met the things inside this dungeon))

You walk down the steps of the entrance, the room you enter is moist and damp, moss and other weeds growing down the steps, you tread lightly as you step into this unknown place, as you smell the air it smells like arousal and like the smell of sex and sweat. Just as you step on the last step, it's pushed down and a contraption automatically shuts the entrance, trapping you inside, you look around the room you're in to see there are different pathways you can take, maybe one will lead to an exit?

As you think about which path to take you can hear sounds down each pathway, letting you know you're not alone, so you better get moving.

Sean: Damnit! That was my only way out. i guess I'll have to venture deeper into this place and pray I find another exit. I saw remains of victims that had been fucked to near death and gasped words of mercy and warning me of the hell I had entered and I couldn't help them as their scent would quickly attract whatever owns them now. I'm sorry you poor souls, but I'm not risking my own virginity and pelvis for anyone else's sake. Forgive me. I left the exhausted and restrained men behind and continued exploring the dungeon and quickly needed to ignite my torch as light became absent from my view.

As you move deeper into the dungeon, the sounds of moans and groans coming from all directions become clearer, you can hear slimy wetness as something moves on the ground, you can feel the heat of something breathing on you and you can smell the sweet scent of womanhood mixed with muskiness of beasts and raw sex.

Just as you turn a corner, you come face to face with a Lamia girl, she smiles at you, showing off her sharp teeth, her long snake tongue sliding out of her mouth, she hisses at you, licking her lips, her upper half that of a beautiful woman, while her lower half is that of a large snake, coiling around herself seductively.

Lamia: "Oh, a new one... so fresh... so delicious..." She says, her voice dripping with lust and hunger. "Welcome to my lair, little human. You're just what I've been waiting for."

Sean: S-Stay back! I-I'm a v-violent man, but I'll use this sword if you try anything- I walked back into a huge web and quickly allowed the torch to burn myself free as struggling would alert the Arachne that made it of my presence. that was close, w-wait, where did that Lamia go? Crap! She slipped past me when I looked away. Time to watch my back more often from here on out…

You start to walk again, making sure to keep your guard up, you can hear more sounds of movement around you, you start having second thoughts about finding an exit, maybe you should just give in to these monster girls and let them have their way with you? After all, it's better than dying down here alone and unfulfilled. you walk down another corridor, you can hear water flowing nearby, the sound of ripples getting closer and closer, suddenly, a small waterfall appears in front of you, splashing water everywhere, as the water clears, you see a Mermaid sitting at the bottom of the pool, she looks up at you, her long hair covering her breasts, her tail fin twitching in anticipation.

"H-hello there, handsome," she says, her voice melodious and enchanting, her scales shimmering in the dim light of your torch. "Care to join me for a swim?"

Sean: K-kind offer but I'm on a mission and I was promised a kingdom's weight in gold and freedom if I make out alive and with my virginity intact. I keep going deeper, and soon the temperature increased and I knew I was getting closer to the more dangerous depths of the dungeon

You continue walking, feeling the heat increase around you, the air becoming thick with desire and lust, you can feel yourself getting aroused despite your best efforts to resist, you pass through a doorway, revealing a large chamber, filled with steam and hot springs, you can see monster girls of all shapes and sizes, relaxing in the hot water, some even engaged in sexual activities with each other, you can hear their moans and cries echoing off the walls.

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