The Stockcades

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The guards lead you to the town square where a crowd has gathered. You've been given a robe to wear, but as they place you on the raised platform the stockade is, they strip it from you, and suddenly you're standing naked in front of the whole town. You try to look down at the ground but the guards move you to the stockade and put your head and arms through, and you have no choice but to face the crowd. They then lock your ankles to a bar so your legs are spread. You can't move at all and you're hopelessly exposed and vulnerable.

One of the guards then announces "For their crimes, Sean will serve in the stockade until it's clear they've learned their lesson. Let it be known that this. is what we do to lawbreakers in this town!" He then pulls out his cock and holds it in front of your face.

Better put that scrawny sausage away before you die from blood loss fuckwad! the man is pulled away as same sex rape is still rape and I was saved from that torment as I would rather kill myself than suck dick. as a straight man I refused to accept male pleasure

A woman steps forward, her eyes cold and filled with anger. She spits on the ground next to your foot. "You think you're better than us just because you're a man?" she asks, her voice dripping with venom. "Well, we'll show you how it feels to be used."She grabs your cock roughly and starts jerking it off. "Look at this," she says to the crowd, holding your cock up for everyone to see. "This is what he thinks makes him special. As she continues to jerk you off, she mutters curses under her breath. "I hope when we're done with you, you'll think twice about ever disrespecting another woman again."The crowd watches silently, some looking disgusted, others seemingly enjoying the spectacle. You close your eyes, trying to block out the humiliation and pain.

S-stop! You got the w-wrong guy! Agh! I was framed for crying out loud! Stop molesting me I beg of you! I thought I was hallucinating when I saw a shadowy figure in the distance holding a rifle and aiming it in the crowd until I knew I was the target and my heart was beating faster than my brain could comprehend.

The woman stops abruptly and steps back, releasing your cock. She looks up towards where you're staring and sees the shadowy figure with the rifle. "Get him down!" she yells, pointing towards you.

The guards immediately rush to free you from the stockade. As soon as they remove your limbs from the restraints, they rush you off the stage and into hiding. You're left trembling and terrified, wondering what just happened and if anyone else knows about the mysterious figure with the rifle.
they capture the rifleman and when I'm found hiding whispering things about being framed and saying something about everyone wanting me dead since birth they knew I wasn't the culprit

After some investigation, the guards discover that the rifleman was actually a hired assassin sent by a rival town to cause chaos and destruction. They find no evidence linking you to any criminal activity and release you from hiding.

As you're led back to your cell, the guards apologize profusely for the misunderstanding. They assure you that your safety is their top priority and promise to increase security measures in case anything like this happens again. You spend the rest of the day alone, trying to process what just happened and how close you were to being killed by a complete stranger.
I also can't stop thinking about how that woman practically molested me due to believing I was a guilty criminal but the truth was I was totally innocent. Why have the heavens cursed me to a life of misery? I don't know what having a friend or a loving family or even a lover is like since no one has ever cared about me.... I doubt love will find its way into my life.........

The next day, the townspeople gather once again for your trial. The judge clears your name and declares you innocent of all charges. As the crowd disperses, a woman approaches you. She's dressed modestly, but there's something about her that catches your eye."I'm sorry for what happened yesterday," she says softly. "I shouldn't have assumed the worst of you." She offers you her hand, and you hesitantly take it. "My name is Amelia. Would you like to get a cup of coffee with me later?"

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