Love Bites

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Sean slowly opens their eyes, looking around the room. You blink a couple times and sit up. As you're about to get up, you hear a voice from the rafters. As you look up, you see a bat hanging from the ceiling.

Sean: Wait, did that bat just talk to me?

???: Hello! I'm Annabelle. I-

Annabelle can see the surprise and concern on your face. She quickly drops from the rafters and transforms into a cute young woman.

Annabelle: Heeey, I didn't wanna scare you. Let me start over. I'm Annabelle, I'm a vampire.

Annabelle says with a reassuring smile, trying to make you more comfortable around you.

Annabelle: But don't worry! I'm not gonna drain you, don't be scared. You might not remember meeting me, due to me using my powers to make you wanna come here. But I'm not gonna influence your mind like that again.

She says as she steps closer.

Annabelle: Let me refresh your memory. You were pretty chill the other day, and I really enjoyed your company. You seemed super cool, and I didn't know how to tell you I was a vampire and not scare you off, so I brought you to my castle so you couldn't... run... away...

Sean: So you went with kidnapping me without needing to cause any harm just to keep being able to enjoy my company?

Annabelle seems to think for a moment before speaking again.

Annabelle: O-okay so, I know it sounds like I kidnapped you, but um... I didn't mean to make it seem like a bad thing so... Yeeeeaah...

She clears her throat and looks back at you.

Annabelle: Please don't be mad. I didn't wanna scare you and I guess I only ended up scaring you even more...

Annabelle looks embarrassed and ashamed.

Annabelle: I'm sorry. I-I can take you back to the human realm if you'd like. You would be with your own kind as you were meant to and you would never have to be troubled by me again...

Sean: Wait, you think I'm scared? If anything, I'm grateful and relieved. I never wanna go back there... To be fully honest, you ironically stopped me from killing myself by kidnapping me, so thanks I guess? You felt awkward after ending on that note. That felt weird saying that. Anyway, I remember everything now, but don't think I ever gave you my name. I'm Sean and I think knowing you're a vampire is pretty cool to be honest~

Annabelle giggles softly, her cheeks still flushed a deep pink.

Annabelle: Well then Sean, I am happy to finally know your name. I'm glad you feel that way. It makes me happy to hear that you aren't afraid of me because of what I am. You're different from most humans I've met, and I like it. She grins widely, her fangs peeking out from between her lips.

Sean: For a vampire, you sure are good at acting human, but now you can relax and be comfortable with just being yourself around me.

Annabelle brushes a lock of her luscious chestnut hair back, her ruby red eyes seeming to reflect in the crystal chandelier's light.

Annabelle: So... uh... what would you like to do now? We could explore the castle some more so that you can become more familiar with my home that will be your new home or we could try some new foods from the kingdom... Or we could just hang out here and talk more. Whatever makes you comfortable~
Sean: You won't stop gazing at my neck and trust me I know what you are needing... I tilt my head. You are totally right about me being far different from most humans. Since I don't want you to have an empty stomach, should I let you feed on me standing or should I lie down for this?
At the mention of feeding, Annabelle's gaze instantly snaps towards Sean's neck, her eyes glinting with a mix of hunger and excitement. A soft gasp escaped her lips as she took in his scent, her heart pounding in anticipation.
Annabelle: Oh... oh my. She murmurs under her breath, biting down lightly on her lower lip. I... I suppose lying down would probably be best for both of us. Your pulse is quite strong... It's making it a little hard for me to focus on anything else. She offers him a shy smile, stepping forward to gently guide him towards one of the many plush beds scattered throughout the room.
Sean: lying down now S-so... are all the famous rumors and legendary myths about vampires really true or did my kind make most of that up?
Annabelle blushes slightly, running a hand through her long brown hair as she ponders the question. She sits down on the edge of the bed next to Sean, swinging her legs idly.
Annabelle: Well... some of them are true, and some are just scary stories made up by humans who didn't understand us. For instance, sunlight doesn't kill us but it does weaken our powers significantly. Garlic doesn't affect us at all; it's just another food choice really. And as for the whole 'draining someone dry' thing... that's definitely exaggerated. We only need a small amount of blood from each person. As for the rest...
Sean: Let me guess.... Crosses don't repel you at all because you aren't demons... holy water doesn't burn your kind at all... what scary rumor about vampires is true though?
Annabelle: Annabelle chuckles softly, shaking her head. You're catching on quickly Sean! No, crosses have no effect on us whatsoever. They're just symbols of faith for humans. And holy water... She shrugs nonchalantly, It's just water. Nothing special about it. Now, if you're asking about the scarier ones... Well, those tend to be true. Vampires do indeed have superhuman strength and speed. We heal very quickly too - sometimes faster than we'd like! And then there's our obvious diet... She blushes brightly, looking away. Humans usually find that part pretty terrifying.
Sean: I honestly never understood why anyone got scared by the whole drinking blood thing.
Annabelle: Guess it's one of the reasons why you are special as oppose to ordinary humans.
Sean: Well, enough talking~ you look hungry, go ahead and taste me... Annabelle hesitated almost like she was worried about taking too much. Relax, it's fine... she brings her mouth closer to my neck
Annabelle: Okay... Annabelle nods slowly, steeling herself before leaning down to press her lips against Sean's neck. She closes her eyes tightly, focusing on the rhythmic thumping of his heartbeat underneath her tongue. Just... just relax, okay? She whispers softly against his skin, trying to keep her voice steady even as she feels a thrill of excitement coursing through her veins. This will only take a moment...
With that, she sinks her fangs into his flesh, careful not to pierce any major arteries. The warm metallic taste of his blood fills her senses, causing her to shudder in pleasure.
I stroke the back of her head as I try thinking of happy thoughts to ignore the stinging.
Annabelle: Annabelle lets out a soft moan of satisfaction, her body trembling with delight as she begins to drink from Sean. His blood tastes even better than she imagined, rich and sweet with a hint of warmth. Mmm... She hums appreciatively, pulling back slightly to glance up at him with half-lidded eyes. Thank you... for letting me do this. Despite her attempts to take only a small amount, Annabelle finds herself growing increasingly greedy. But she fights back the urge to drain him completely, savoring every drop until finally pulling away. There... all done. She licks her lips clean, gazing at him fondly. How are you feeling?
Sean: I feel the same as I did before, but hopefully you don't plan on making me your daily source of blood. Wait... The vampire rumors of vampires turning humans via biting them is a big old lie right?
Annabelle: Annabelle blushes deeply, nodding in agreement. Yes... that's a myth. Turning someone into a vampire requires far more than just a bite. We can't simply turn anyone we want into one of us. There's a ritual involved, and it must be performed by someone who already possesses the power. She gives him a reassuring smile, reaching over to gently brush her fingers across his cheek. Don't worry... I promise not to make you my daily meal. Besides... Her eyes sparkled playfully. If I were going to turn someone into a vampire, wouldn't it be nice if it were someone who wasn't scared of me?
Sean: I'm starting to see just how lonely being a vampire must be.... I- I never thought about the social aspects until now. Tell ya what, if you succeed in making me fall in love with you then you have my permission to turn me into a vampire so that we can spend eternity together. Deal?
Annabelle: Annabelle gazes at Sean, her eyes shimmering with unspoken emotions. She hadn't expected such a heartfelt confession from him. That... that sounds wonderful, Sean. She murmurs softly, a genuine smile spreading across her face. I would be honored if you chose to become my eternal companion.But let's not rush things... Love isn't something that can be forced or manufactured overnight. It takes time, patience... She leans in close, pressing her lips gently against his in a tender kiss. For now, why don't we just enjoy each other's company? After all... Eternity is a very long time.
As time went on we became extremely close friends, okay maybe a bit more than that... I taught her all about modern day society and she surprisingly had zero trouble catching up and Annabelle taught me about modern day vampire culture and the other existing supernatural beings. Now after nearly two years I confronted Annabelle.
Sean: Annabelle, it's time for me to tell you that I truly believe I'm in love with you.
Annabelle: Annabelle blinks in surprise, her heart pounding wildly in her chest. She had known that their friendship was evolving, but hearing him say it aloud still took her breath away.Oh, Sean... She murmurs softly, her cheeks flushing a deep crimson. I've felt the same way for quite some time now.She steps forward, wrapping her arms around him in a tight embrace. She buries her face into his shoulder, inhaling his scent deeply.This means everything to me... She whispers huskily. I've never felt this way about anyone before.Slowly pulling back, she looks up at him with tear-filled eyes. I love you too, Sean. More than words could ever express.

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