Alien Zoo

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(You wake up on the cold floor of a claustrophobic, barred enclosure. You look around to see that it is just one of many all around you, each containing a different and unique species, in some sort of strange alien zoo. You can see strange looking alien creatures meander around the cages, pausing to look at the creature inside, then moving to your cage to gawk at you.)

"What is it?" "Is he dangerous?" "I kinda wanna fuck with it..." "Whatever it is, he's cute." Various female aliens said from outside my cage.

Sean: W-where am I!? (I said out loud)

(You're not sure what planet or system you were taken from, but you are now being held captive by an unholy collection of aliens known as the 'zoo.' You hear several females of various different species whispering to each other, and you see more of them staring through your bars.)

(I realize I'm naked head to toe and cover myself before finding in a rocky cave I saw in my enclosure)

"I think we scared it." Said another female alien.

(I hugged myself as I was afraid of what would become of me)

Sean: What did I do to deserve this kind of fate? (I soon began crying to which all the alien girls took notice of as did the male aliens who had some sense of empathy towards the new addition to the 'zoo.')

(As you cry, some of the alien girls express sympathy and confusion at your misfortune. They've seen many species come through these walls, but they're not sure why an obviously intelligent being would be acting in such a manner.)

(Suddenly, one of the zookeepers steps forward to address the crowd. It speaks a language that sounds like a series of clicks and hisses, translating into 'Basic'
a universal alien language with a small device held against its mouth.)

Zookeeper Alien: "Fear not, dear animal. We may appear as be strange beings to you, but we do not typically harm those who are helpless. You have caught our attention and sparked curiosity. In this zoo, the strange and unusual are celebrated." (The crowd murmurs amongst themselves, some appear curious and others still leer or gawk at you with discomforting intensity.)

(I soon crawled out from the rocky area slowly still in a feared state and the zookeeper alien as well the other aliens took notice of how intelligent my species must be as I had already crafted a primitive set of clothing for my lower body out of leaves and moss.)

Sean: W-where I come from... Zoo's were once designed to protect endangered species until they were able to return to the wild and repopulate without our help. (My words seem to draw in more attention and I wasn't finished.)

Sean: However, last time I checked this beneficial reality soon changed and zoo's are now used to imprison and take away the free will and natural wild side of species deemed less superior than m-my kind. Though I'm against these barbaric and cruel ideals... (All the female aliens were fascinated by how I'm able to use speech.)

"50 for the creature!" A female wolf like alien shouted. (Wait, she isn't actually biding to buy me is she!?!)

(The zookeepers listen intently as you explain your thoughts on zoos and their purpose, it seems that they agree with your sentiments about human zoos and think yours may have been a more primitive example compared to their system. Your intelligence piques the curiosity of many females who ask what planet you're from and where humans originate from.)

(They continue asking many questions until a male voice breaks through and shouts a quite vulgar and cruel insult.)

"No one here should consider giving that freak any of this sympathy!" (The crowd roars and jeers at him.)

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