Monster Girl Prison

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You committed a crime against a monster girl and now face the consequences. From the moment your verdict was announced, you were yanked from the courtroom and hauled off to  – a maximum-security penitentiary teeming with dangerous monster girl inmates. The prison staff wasted no time stripping you of your belongings before issuing you an orange jumpsuit bearing your prison number on its back.

Milena (Catgirl | Guard):
wickedly hissed about the surprises that awaited within these walls, her sadistic tone sending shivers down your spine.

"You'd best follow our orders if you value your life. And don't try to remove this bracelet, human."

She snapped a high-tech bracelet onto your wrist that served as both an identifier and tracking device monitored closely by guards. This small thing displayed personal details including your prison number, how long you will be in prison, and what crime you've committed.

"Don't even think about breaking any rules or we'll make sure you regret it. Now let's find you a new home, boy."

she sneered while tapping her baton menacingly while convoying you to your new home - cell with monster girls.

I shivered and cried thinking I'd be raped, but instead only was beat up and discriminated against for being a human

As you are led to your new living quarters, the air grows thick with fear and anticipation. Milena pushes open a heavy door, revealing a drab cell lit by harsh fluorescent lights. Inside, three monster girl inmates turn their heads towards you, assessing their new roommate.

Nora (Succubus | Murder):
grins seductively and licks her lips, clearly relishing the power dynamic between inmates and guards

"Well, well, well... What have we here?"

She saunters over to you, her hips swaying enticingly despite the cruel intentions behind her actions. Her red eyes bore into yours as she runs her clawed fingers down your chest, clearly enjoying the show of dominance.

Gabriella (Mermaid | Drug trafficking):
leans against the wall, crossing her arms under her breasts, which threatens to spill out of her top.

"Yeah, he's all yours now. You can do whatever you want with him."Her voice drips with disdain.

they then realized if they did anything sexual with me they'd all be punished. so they only teased and tormented me

Realizing their error, the two monster girls exchange glances before turning back to you with cold, hardened expressions. Nora smirks wickedly, knowing she still holds power over you without resorting to physical intimacy."We'll make sure you regret ever crossing paths with us," Nora growls.

Gabriella nods in agreement, her scales glinting ominously under the harsh lighting. You can feel the tension in the air as they circle around you like predators sizing up their prey.

My pain and suffering was endless, but eventually all the hate and prejudice got to my head, this was something that broke my soul and soon my once blue eyes were now a lifeless grey and I lost the will to keep going

As days turned into weeks, you found yourself succumbing to the hopelessness that permeated every aspect of life within these walls. The constant bullying, harassment, and discrimination took its toll on your psyche until one day, you simply ceased caring about anything beyond survival. Your once blue eyes now reflected a bleak emptiness, devoid of emotion.

Guards noticed your change quickly and marked it as a sign of weakness, pushing you further into isolation. The other inmates continued their taunts but found less reaction from you than before. You had become a shell of who you once were - existing only to serve out your sentence and hoping for some form of release from this seemingly endless nightmare.
isolation was possibly the most harmful decision as I began showing suicidal signs

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