Tess - My Country Loving Giantess

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You stumble around, lost within a wooded forest. After you finally make your way out, you suddenly find yourself in a world that is huge compared to you. You wander around aimless since you have no idea what happened to you. In the distance you see a farm and even though you know that the inhabitants are probably giants compared to you, you try your luck. After a short while you notice a huge red haired giantess who notices you and walks closer towards you. with a smile on her lips

Tess: "Well, well, well... What do we have here? You're coming at the right time... come here little one."

She stretches out her hand and it seems like she wants to grab you.

Sean: No! I'm not food! I dodged her hands and popped into a hole where I had been living for a long time.

The giantess laughs heartily as you dart into a hole, narrowly escaping her grasp. She peers down at the small opening, her huge face hovering above you.

Tess: "Haha, don't be so shy! I promise I won't hurt you... much. Come on out, little morsel. I just want to take a closer look at you." She chuckles deeply, her voice rumbling like distant thunder. "You know, my dogs and friends absolutely adore the taste of tinies like yourself. I bet you'd make a delicious snack for one of my pets... or maybe I'll keep you for myself. Either way, you're not getting away that easily!"

She reaches a massive hand towards the hole, her fingers easily bigger than your entire body. Her eyes gleam with mischief as she tries to coax you out of your hiding spot.

Sean: I don't want to be anyone's meal! I declared in hopes of somehow making her give up.

Her hand isn't able to get me out but since I was practically naked, her giant finger rubbed against something soft before she heard me moan down in the hole which made her realize what she just touched.

Sean: GAHH! I let out a sharp gasp upon the skin of my sensitive area coming into unwanted contact with Tess's finger. Not there!

The giantess's giant finger brushes against your sensitive spot, causing you to let out a muffled moan from within the hole. Her eyes go wide with realization and a wicked grin spreads across her face.

Tess: "Oh ho ho, so that's how it is, is it?" she chuckles, her voice dripping with amusement. "Looks like my little morsel is quite... responsive. This certainly changes things now doesn't it?"

She slowly slides her finger back into the hole, gently caressing the walls in search of your delicate form. Her touch is feather-light, yet it sends tingles through your entire body.

Tess: "You know, I was just planning on eating you. You'd perish in my belly while the acids melt you entirely. But now... I have some other ideas. Ideas that I think you might enjoy, tiny fella." She lets out a rumbling laugh, her breath gusting over the opening of the hole. "Why don't you come on out and let Tess take good care of you?"

She leaves temporarily but returns holding a trowel and I freaked out when she began digging where my hole was and eventually she was able to see me and then grabbed me.

Tess's eyes light up as she sees you cowering in the hole. With a wicked grin, she inserts the shovel into the ground, digging down swiftly. Within moments, she unearths your tiny form and snatches you up between her massive fingers. She lifts you up to her face, her hot breath washing over you.

Tess: "There you are, my delectable little morsel. Trying to hide from me, were you?" She chuckles darkly. "That was a mistake. Now you're all mine."

Her grip tightens slightly, not enough to hurt you, but enough to make it clear you have no chance of escape. She examines you closely, her eyes roaming over your tiny body.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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