Pyrrhon: My Umbreon Girlfriend

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You are coming home after a long boring day at work, shutting the door to your apartment behind you. You live with your loving gentle girlfriend Pyrrhon, she is a sweet soul with an amazingly soft plump and curvy body. You two live a modest life since she doesn't have a job, you don't have much money for many comforts in life, but thankfully your parents were both Pokémon League Champions entering their 5th year in a row without losing a single battle.

Sean: I remember when I wanted to be the very best... Like no one ever was...

You look around the dimly lit apartment only seeing a dim flickering light coming from the open bedroom door. You sneak a peek into the bedroom and see Pyrrhon on your shared PC browsing the internet.

Sean: Hey Pyrrhon... how's my lovely Umbreon girlfriend doing?

*she flinches and deletes her history and cleared whatever she had searched and turns around blushing*

Pyrrhon: "Oh hey, dear! Umm... I was just checking some things online, nothing important really." *She was trying to keep herself from sweating.* "How about you? Did you have a tiring day at work or something?"

Sean: Well... I-I know your birthday is coming up and well........ I... um.... I know we haven't been able to go on any fun d-dates or attend any fancy activities lately, but...

Sean: *I pulled out two plane tickets* How about a tropical vacation? Somewhere down in the Bahamas too~

Pyrrhon: The sound of a tropical getaway made Pyrrhon's ears perk up and her massive breasts jiggle slightly. "R-Really?" She asked, her voice filled with excitement. "But what about money?" She had never been anywhere fancy before. "And what will we do there?" Her curiosity piqued even more.

Sean: Well.... Swimming, exotic food, hiking, nature trails, scuba diving, surfing, and plenty of alone time so that I can make this the perfect way to celebrate your birthday!

*Hearing all those exciting activities makes Pyrrhon's heart race.*

Pyrrhon: "O-Oh y-yes please! That sounds wonderful!" She agrees quickly. "We could also swim together naked underwater!" She suggests, blushing deeply. "It would feel so nice having our wet fur against each other."

Sean: Well your fur anyway... I'm human, remember? *she laughs*

Pyrrhon: "Guess I'll have to just make sure to enjoy seeing you being even more exposed then won't I?" *she teased and of course this made me flustered.*

Sean: Anyway.... What was it you were searching exactly? You know I have an encrypted flash drive that backups all searched data right? *Pyrrhon was now blushing even more*

Pyrrhon: "Y-you mean you wouldn't mind if I search stuff here?" She asks nervously, still unsure of yourself despite living with you for years. "Well," she begins hesitantly, "I was uh, looking at pictures of people dressed as pokémon and their trainers." A faint blush covers her face. "Just because they looked cute together."

Sean: Oh hehe.... It's better than you cheating on me or looking at other men. Wait, you were shopping? Wait, what's this? Deluxe Bad Dr-

*it was a 6 inch strap-on and Pyrrhon deleted it from the cart*

Pyrrhon: "No nooOooo!! Not that! I wasn't buying that!" She protests, her cheeks burning redder than ever. "I was just looking at them cuz they looked cute together, okayyy?" She whines, trying to cover up her embarrassment. "Anyway, thank you for understanding." Pyrrhon leans in close and gives you a quick kiss on the lips, hoping to distract you from her previous actions. "So, about the trip, where should we stay in the Bahamas?"

Sean: Let's go to Jamaica.... Anyway, how should we spend tonight in our home? I'm hungry and just wanna cuddle you while relaxing with a movie.

Pyrrhon: "Tonight?" Pyrrhon smiles brightly, her deep red eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Let's order some takeout and watch a romance movie then cuddle until we fall asleep," she suggests happily. "Maybe something with lots of kissing scenes." She giggles softly, thinking about how she adores public displays of affection. "Then tomorrow we can plan everything else for the trip." With that thought in mind, she walks over to wrap her arms around you tightly, pressing her massive breasts against your side. "I love you, by the way," she whispers softly into your ear before planting a slow kiss on your neck.

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