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Several years ago, there was a robbery on a casino in California, USA. Two villains, one blue and beastly and the other clad in red, escape from the scene and stir up a public panic. The police and two pro heroes (Elecplant and Cow Lady) try to apprehend the criminals, but they lose in a battle of Quirks. The chaos threatens a family trapped in their car, including a little girl, but a young, yet unknown hero sends the villainous duo and USA dollar bills flying with a strong punch. The hero that saved the family is a muscular man with short blonde hair, swept backward, with two distinct tufts sticking above his head, leaning slightly to each side.

"Fear not, citizens." The man bellowed. "Everything is fine." He looks back at the family with a big smile. "You're safe because I am here."

The little girl and her sister that are in the car stared at the hero in amazement.

"Really?" The red villain removes a dollar from his face and glares at the man angrily. "And just who the hell do you think you are?"

"A hero from Japan." The man answered, shifting his back to the evildoers. "Who just so happened to be passing by."

"Hah! I'll send you back home in a coffin. If they can find your remains." The red villain uses his Quirk to attack with a missile barrage.

Another young hero shows up and easily dismisses the missiles by crossing her arms and unleashing two air slashes. She has long, scarlet hair and heterochromia eyes. 

"Heh. Thanks for the save, Kami."

"You can thank me after we take down these criminals and..." Kami stopped her sentence midway when she didn't see the two villains after the smoke cleared. "Uumm, where did they go...?"

"Already running away?"

As the two heroes look around to figure out which way the villians went, another young man arrives at the scene at top speed using a vehicle called the Allmobile.

"You got ahead of yourself, Toshi." The man in the car said.

"They're fast." Toshi and Kami got in the Allmobile with their friend. "Follow them, Dave."

"You are impossible." Dave starts driving and uses a drone to track the villians through downtown LA. "Toshi, your body always moves before ya think!"

"Well, if his body never acted that way, then his goal wouldn't be to become a hero." The female hero remarks as she puts her scarlet hair in a half-up-half-down bun. 

"Dave chuckles. "Yeah, you're right about that, Titania."

The nickname "Titania" used to bother Kami, but it has grown on her since her time in North America with Toshinori and David. It's not long before Devid is gaining on the villains. The red one fires missiles at them, but Dave counters by using the anti-projectile cannons of the Allmobile. The vehicle unleashes a shield of bubbles that nullify the explosions.

"Toshi. We're gonna be late for the lecture. You and Kami need to hurry up and finish this."

"That's the plan, obviously." While holding Kami with one arm, Toshinori kicks his abilities into high gear and soars high into the sky. The villains try to escape up the side of a tall building, but nothing prepares them for Toshinori Yagi's incredible power. The red villain attacks with his missiles once more, but Kami conjures flames from her hands and uses those flames to neutralize the attack. She also accidentally burns her and Toshinori's clothes away, revealing their hero costumes hidden beneath. Toshinori lets go of his teammate, who then uses the air around her to fly on her own. She maneuvers herself toward the villainous duo. The evildoers leap off the building to attack Kami, but the female hero uses the water in her water bottle to create a cloud of mist to obscure their aim. Then, she makes an Air vortex to throw the villians at her blonde-haired friend. Toshinori finishes the battle in incredible fashion, using an Ultimate Move named after David's home state, California Smash. The villainous duo crashed down onto the road, creating a large crater and scattering hundreds of dollar bills. Cow Lady, Elecplant, and other bystanders watch in amazement of the two heroes that are standing on to of the tall building.

The Light of a Hero: Three HeroesWhere stories live. Discover now