A Heartfelt Reunion

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Izuku Midoriya and the married hero couple exit the plane after changing into their hero costumes. As they pass through immigration, All Might asks Izuku what he knows about I-Island. The boy answers with everything he knows about the island, and the hero couple isn't surprised when his muttering habit starts. There are signs and broadcast TVs talking all about the I-Expo. The event is still in an early access stage, meaning those with an invitation can gain access to an abundant showcase of incredible technology. While Izuku overlooks the beautiful scenery, All Might and Hope gets swamped by their adoring fans. This goes on for a while until the trio stops at a public flower garden. 

"Oh, wow, I didn't think we'd get stopped for so long." All Might said as he wiped kiss marks off his face. 

"Me neither." Hope said, using her cherry blossom handkerchief to wipe off a couple of kiss marks from each of her cheeks. "I'm afraid at this point we're in terrible danger of being late."

"Late to what?" Izuku asked.

"Ah." All Might and his partner turned to the young hero. "The Mrs and I wanted to drop in on a dear old pal of ours who we haven't seen in quite a while."

"We're sorry to spring it on you, but would you mind coming along?" Kami asked Izuku. 

"You mean I'd get to meet one of your friends?" Izuku's eyes sparked. "Obviously, of course I'll go!"

"Great! We planned on introducing our friend and his daughter to Hikari, but since she ditched us to be with Katsuki, you get to meet them instead, Izuku!"

'Is that her way of saying I'm a substitute?' Izuku thought as he sweat-drops.

All Might leans forward and speaks to his successor in a whisper. "By the way, we haven't told him about One For All or how I've passed the Quirk on to you, so keep everything under wraps, okay?"

"Whoa, not even your close friend knows?"

"Only because danger tends to follow anyone who knows the truth about my husband's power." Hope answered with her extended index finger touching her lips.

"Oh, yeah, that's right." A serious expression appears on the boy's face. "That's the reason why you never told Himawari. For her safety." 

'I can't forget how important it is to keep One For All a secret.' Izuku thought as he remembers the time All Might and Hope told him about the history of One For All, about All For One, and about the times villains tried to kidnap his childhood friend when she was still too young to remember. 'That's right. I want to protect Himawari, just like how she protected me ever since we met. And I have to keep training so I'm ready when the time comes to face All For One.' Izuku stares at his hand and balls his fist. 'I must learn to master One For All as soon as I can!'

A young girl with blonde hair and glasses bounces over to the trio on her advanced pogo stick. When they noticed her, All Might and Hope smiled.

"There you are, Uncle and Auntie!" The girl exclaimed excitedly. "Finally!" She jumps off her pogo stick and into All Might's arms, making him spin a little as he held her. "Welcome, Uncle Might and Auntie Hope!"

"It's so good to see you, Melissa!" All Might greeted happily.

"How long has it been since the last time we saw you?" Hope asked.

"Oh, my gosh, it's been forever. I can't believe you both are actually here!"

"We're truly grateful for the invitation." All Might said. "I almost didn't recognize you. When did you go and get so grown up?"

"Well, I am 17, now you know! That's much heavier than the last time you saw me."

"Are you?" All Might lifts the girl higher. "No."

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