Plus Ultra!

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The two villains were able to get past us and take the professor and the Quirk powering device with them. As Izuku and I chased after him, we were blocked by two more of Wolfram's lackeys. Even though my body ached, I told Izuku to go help the professor while I dealt with the two goons. It took me long, but I finally took care of those grunts. I met up with Izuku at the top. Melissa was there, too, and Izuku was on his knees, screaming at the helicopter to give the professor back. Without a moment of hesitation, I immediately used the flames on my feet to rocket myself to the helicopter. I felt like I was running out of oxygen, but I didn't care! I'm going to save the professor! Otherwise, what am I even doing here in the first place!? I pushed my Quirk to the limit until I finally caught up with the scoundrel. Before he could do anything, I did the same move I did during my practical exam. I crossed my arms and fired off an x-shaped attack that radiated a blinding light. The light caused the masked man to cover his eyes and curse at me. At the same time, the henchman piloting the helicopter started to lose control because of the radiant light. I tap the Power Rings together and released a beam of water from my hand to attack Wolfram. This caused the villain to drop his gun and let go of the professor. I caught the professor the moment he fell out of the helicopter, but I used so much of my oxygen that I couldn't fly. I held onto the professor, hoping that Izuku would catch us when suddenly...

"I am here!!" Dad catches the both of us as mom shoots an ice disk through the helicopter, sending the villains to their fiery demise. "With Hope by my side!"

Thanks to Dad, the professor and I didn't fall and get hurt.

"Papa!" Melissa ran to us with Izuku following suit. 

"My Melissa." The professor looks up at his daughter with a sad expression while Dad breaks the metal that's around his wrists.

"Everything will be okay." Dad said.

"Thanks to you three, all of the drones have returned to normal, and I-Island is set free from the villains' grasp." Mom adds, using her air bending to land safely next to us. "Sam and everyone else are also alright. There's no need to worry anymore."

I was too weak to say anything, but I was relieved and happy to hear that. Melissa was so glad that her Dad was alright, that tears of happiness formed in the corners of her eyes.

"We did it." Izuku said. His head was bleeding, and he had his hand on his injured arm.

Mom used her air manipulation to get some oxygen back into my body. I took slow, deep breaths as I started to feel my strength return. The professor hung his head down guiltily.

"I'm so sorry." He said. "It's my fault."

"What do you mean?" Mom asked.

The professor tried to tell the truth to my parents, but he and my parents were attacked by a metal pillar. Wolfram was able to get out of the smoldering remains of the crashed helicopter, and the worst part is that he's using the professor's Quirk Amplification Device to boost his Quirk exponentially. Before any of us could react, the villains get a hold of the professor and trap him in a metal casing.

"I heard Sam." Wolfram said. "All Might's Quirk is failing him. He doesn't have the same unstoppable power he once did."

"He's using the professor's device!" Izuku alerted.

"You really don't know when to give up, do you?" Dad rhetorically asked the villain as he charged at him to attack. "Texas...Smash!"

My Dad's punch is blocked by a metal wall.

"Is that all you got?" Wolfram taunts, hitting Dad back with a metal tendril.

Mom tried to bend the metal to her advantage, but Wolfram proved far more powerful than before. Wolfram uses his enhanced powers to transform the tower's roof into a scrap metal hell.

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