Party Crashers

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As soon as I made it back to the hotel room I shared with Katsuki and Kirishima, I got ready for the party. Kirishima is getting ready in the bathroom, and since Katsuki and I are dating and have already done some... sexual stuff with each other... we're changing in the same room together. I'm wearing a red modern , red, high-end brocade, long qipao dress with a few embroidered white and blue roses. The dress stops at my calves, so the navy blue medium heel shoes I'm going to wear with them will be visible. My hair has grown a bit since I had to cut it to save myself during the USJ attack, so it almost reached my shoulders. After I pulled the two long strands of my hair back with a bandana, I put on a pair of hanafuda earrings. Then, I took off the bandana, letting the two strands of my hair frame my face, and put some lip gloss on my lips. My eyes glossed over my neck, and I frown. When the League of Villians attacked the USJ, I lost my star-shaped locket. Unfortunately, that bastard Shigaraki bluntly admitted that he took the locket. That must be how he found out I was the daughter of All Might, Japan's No.1 Hero and the Symbol of Peace. Without my locket, my neck feels bare. I can still remember Tomura Shigaraki's and around my neck. I gently touch my neck as I recall the villain's words...

"Say, Yagi, how do you think daddy All Might will react when he sees the crumbled remains of his own daughter in a pool of blood? Will he be undeniably heartbroken knowing that he wasn't able to save and protect his family, or will your death not affect him at all and he'll just smile as if your death meant nothing to him?"

I wonder... will dad still treat me like a random civilian even if I died? I immediately snap out of those dark thoughts when a pair of arm wrapped themselves around my waist. 


"That dress suits you amazingly well..." Katsuki rests his head in the crook of my neck, staring at my reflection in the mirror. 

I blushed and hid my face with my hand. "Don't lie! This is my first time wearing a dress, and mom was the one who picked it out! I'm not as feminine as mom. The only time I actually wore a dress or skirt was when I was a toddler because mom -"

"Oh, just shut up!" Katsuki grabs my hand so it isn't covering my face, then he made me turn around to face him. My emerald eyes make contact with hus carmine ones. "I never lie, and I never will. You really are beautiful," He kisses my forehead. "And cool." He kisses my cheek and bare shoulder. He kisses the back of my hand. "Not a single extra can measure up to you..."

At that point, my face and ears were bright red. Katsuki said I'm beautiful and cool, but what about him?""" He looks amazing in his outfit. He's wearing a red dress shirt with a black tie, a blue vest with white roses on the left and right side, navy blue pants, and brown dress shoes.

"Ah? R-really?" 

"Yeah." Still holding my hand, Katsuki kisses me. I kissed back as I placed my free hand on his shoulder. When he pressed his tongue against my lips, I parted my mouth to let him in. I moaned from the sensation of our French kiss. I tangled my fingers in his hair, and Katsuki wrapped his arms around me again. 

"Alright, guys." Kirishima comes out of the bathroom wearing a black suit and a red tie. "I finished getting rea-- oh!"

Katsuki and I instantly separate from each other.

"Hey, Kiri!" I greeted my red-haired friend even though my face was burning with embarrassment. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah..." Katsuki glares at Kirishima, and he gives us an apologetic smile. He awkwardly rubs the back of his neck. "Sorry for interrupting something. I'll wait for you guys outside to give you guys a moment."

With that said, Kirishima left our hotel room. I looked at my boyfriend and he looked at me back. His face was as red as mine, evidence of my lip gloss was on his lips, and he was averting his eyes out of embarrassment.

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