What's going on?

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"Kirishimaaa~" Katsuki groaned as the three of us through a floor with a large botanical garden. "When will we get there? The elevator also stopped working~ We can't even go back to get our cellphones~"

I let out a sigh. "Even if you say that, it's still the pre-opening, Katsuki."

Judging by the fact that we reached the 80th floor and still haven't made it to the reception, I doubt it's at one of the upper floors. In fact, I think the reception is located in one of the single digit floors. If I knew we were going to get lost, I wouldn't have forgotten my phone. 

"I'm starving, and my feet hurt like hell." I mumbled under my breath.

Katsuki must've heard me because he stopped and said, "If your feet hurt so much, just take those damn heels off."

I stopped and looked at my boyfriend in front of me. "Well, uh, mom got me these shoes to go with my dress, and I didn't bring an extra pair of shoes that are more comfortable to wear--"

"So?" Katsuki interrupted me. "It's better to let you walk to the party barefooted than watch you force yourself to wear those damn shoes!"

"Bakugou is right, Yagi." Kiri agreed. "Your comfort is more important than how you look. I think your mom would say that same thing if she found out how much those shoes actually hurt your feet."

Katsuki and Kirishima have a point. If I wear these shoes while the three of us look for the reception for who knows how long, my feet are going to be covered in blisters, and I won't be able to walk anymore. I freed my feet from their medium heeled prison and let out a content exhale.

"Better?" Katsuki asked.

I reply with a nod. My boyfriend takes my navy blue medium heel shoes, even though I said I can carry them myself, and the three of us continued onward. 

"So~ Yagi, have you ever... been to big social events before?" Kirishima asked.

"Nope." I answered nonchalantly.

"Huh? Really?!"

"You surprised?"

"Yeah, kind of. I just thought that... you know, since you're the daughter of All Might, you got to go with your dad to interviews, meet & greets, charity events, and all that."

I chuckled. "If that was true, you, the other UA students, all of Japan, and most of the world would've already known me by now. In reality, because I'm the daughter of the Symbol of Peace and Japan's No.1 Hero, I'm a prime target for every villain and bad guy out there. Ever since the day I was born, my mom and dad have always been overprotective of me. They were so worried that a villain might snatch me up that they homeschooled me and kept their marriage and the fact that I'm their daughter a secret. The three of us were never seen in public together, and both of my parents were always busy with their duties as pro heroes. Then, after Lumine, one of my parents' sidekicks, died protecting me, my mom and several citizens, mom, and I moved to Katsuki and Izuku's neighborhood. After about two years, I thought mom quit being a hero because I hadn't seen her in her hero costume until recently, and she didn't go on anymore missions after returning from a long mission. Turns out she never quit, and she was just focusing on getting her teaching license. Even though dad didn't live with us, we kept in touch with him through occasional phone calls and text messages. They're mostly brief, but it's better than nothing. When I--"

I abruptly stopped talking when I noticed the two boys staring at me. Katsuki looks surprised by what I just said, and Kirishima is equally shocked with a look of pity. Dammit! I got carried away and ended up telling Kirishima my depressing backstory. I should've just changed the subject the minute Kiri asked me if I've gone to social events with my dad as a bonding experience! 

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