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During the fight against Wolfram, the support items Melissa gave me and Izuku broke, and I somehow managed to break my arm right arm. When I look at it, it reminds me of how Izuku kept breaking his bones whenever he used his Quirk before our internships. Another strange thing is that Izuku, Dad, and Mom never kept their eyes off my arm on our way to the hospital. They didn't even stop staring at it when we reached the hospital, and the doctors gave me a cast. They said they were just worried about me, but something told me their stares weren't just about my well-being. 

Sometime later, Melissa visits her father in the hospital. They chat as he recovers from his injuries. Meanwhile, me, my parents, and the rest of Class 1-A join up together to take part in the I-Expo proper. We also had an outdoor barbecue. Because of my broken arm, I couldn't help cook. I also couldn't do some of the attractions that are open at the I-Expo because of my broken arm, so my options were limited. I wanted to ask my parents or Izuku if they know a villain called All For One, but I never found the right time to bring up the topic. I didn't even get to tell them about that hired kidnapper, Akutagawa. Actually, I'd rather not tell them about that guy being a hired kidnapper sent to get me. Before we all left I-Island, I gave Melissa my contact information. Melissa has been spending most of her time visiting her Dad at the hospital, but I did visit her Dad with her a couple of times before I had to leave the island. We even got to chat a bit about my past hero costume designs, our experiences at school, and a little bit about ourselves. Now, I have to leave and spend the rest of my summer at the Forest Training Camp with my classmates and Class 1-B. I doubt Mr. Aizawa is going to let me and the other hero students relax, but hopefully, we'll still have fun during our school trip.

Season 3:

The League of Villians attacked the training camp and captured me and Katsuki. My parents, Gran Torino, the police, and several other pro heroes found the hideout of the villains and restrained the villains. Unfortunately, All For One used this gross teleportation Quirk to transport me and the other members of the League to him. Mom and Dad showed up to fight All For One and save me. While my parents fought the Lord of Evil, the League of Villians tried to grab me and escape, but I avoided their touch. I was able to get away thanks to Izuku, Iida, Kirishima, Todoroki, and Yaoyorozu. Katsuki, who was getting escorted to the police station by two policemen, met me in the city as soon as he saw me. I watched my parents' fight on the large screens on a nearby building and saw my Dad in his weakened state. The image not only stunned me, but it also shocked the rest of Japan who were watching the fight. At first, my father was about to give up, but thanks to the citizens' encouragement and the help of the other pro heroes, my Dad defeated the boss villain and did his signature victory pose. Before my friends and I were taken to the police station, I saw my Dad point at the camera and say few words.

"Now, it's your turn."

To the civilians, it was a message to the other bad guys out there that dared to cause more trouble. But I knew that wasn't what the message meant. Based on Izuku's overflowing tears and the memory of what David Shield said about Dad losing his power back at I-Island, that message wasn't for future villains...nor me. After thanking Todoroki and Yaoyorozu, Katsuki and I were taken to the police station for questioning, and we were then put on house arrest. I got into a huge fight with Mom after she came back from the hospital. We haven't talked since. Not even after I moved into the dorms with my classmates. After bringing my stuff to my new dorm room, I decided to open the package Melissa sent me. In it was a new hero costume and my new Sunflower Saber. My new hero costume is a heat-resistant black dress that stops above my knees with a red jacket, a black choker, black arm bracers, black stockings, black combat boots, and a black domino mask. Melissa also provided me with shorts to wear under my dress, which I appreciate. Everything is made of waterproof and fire-resistant material. The jacket, choker, and arm bracers have cooling devices within them, so I don't overheat from using my flames. I decided to get rid of the knife I included in my first hero costume because I hadn't used it for anything except save myself during the USJ attack. There was also a letter from Melissa. I took the letter out and read it.

Dear Himawari,

I don't know when you'll get this package, but if you're reading it, then I guess that means you got the hero costume I made for you, which is great! I sent you the Sunflower Saber, but the Power Rings are still being worked on. 

The letter then starts explaining the details about the hero costume that I already figured out just by looking at it. Plus, Melissa and I already talked about my new hero costume back at I-Island, and when I emailed her before going to the training camp. The letter continues. 

I hope the hero costume I made is to your liking. This is the very first hero costume I made, and I want to make more support items and hero costumes for you in the future just like Papa did for Uncle Might and Auntie Hope! If the costume has any malfunction, don't hesitate to let me know.

Your friend, Melissa Shield 

I smiled as I read the letter. It would be nice to work with Melissa during missions when I become a pro, and I really do want her to create my support items and hero costumes. Sorry, Hatsume! I noticed additional writing on the back and read it.


I heard what happened to you. And I also heard what happened to Uncle Might. If you need someone to talk to, you have your boyfriend, teachers, and friends, but you can also talk to me. I'm your friend, too.

That last part was comforting, but... what do I tell her? That it's my fault my classmates were attacked, that it's my fault my boyfriend was kidnapped, that it's my fault Ragdoll got her Quirk stolen, or that it's my fault my Dad had to retire? I haven't apologized to Mom for what I said, and also, I feel like my Dad values Izuku more than me. I think it would be a bad idea to burden Melissa with my own problems. I heard a knock at my door.

"Oi, Hikari." I heard Katsuki's voice from behind my door. "Did you finish unpacking?"

I looked at my room and realized that aside from the package Melissa sent me, I haven't opened a single box! 

"Uh, well, I..." I hesitated as I glanced at my boxes, then back the door a few times. "Wanna help your girlfriend out? Please?"

There was a moment of silence. I thought my boyfriend went back to his room, but then I heard him let out a sigh.

"Fine." He enters my room and starts helping me unpack.

The End

The Light of a Hero: Three HeroesWhere stories live. Discover now