All According to Plan

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Katsuki, Kirishima, Todoroki, and I had to fight our way through the horde of security bots. That's easier said than done because these things were indestructible. Once we weren't surrounded by those drones for a bit, Todoroki finally explained to us about the current situation. Like he told us before, a group of villains have taken over the tower. They used the security system to cut off communication, restrain all the pro heroes including my parents, hold the people at the reception and on the island as hostages, and command the security robots to capture us and prevent us from interfering. That explains why the elevators stopped working and why we were attacked without any explanation. Iida, Ochaco, Yaoyorozu, Mineta, Jiro, Kaminari, Izuku, and Melissa are on their way to the top floor of the tower to reset the security system and save everyone. Todoroki didn't mention anything about a guy named All For One, though, so I guess that means he doesn't know anything about that guy either. I'm going to have to wait until I can ask Izuku or dad about this unknown villain later. When the four of us reached the wind power generation system, we didn't see Iida, Kaminari, Yaoyorozu, Jiro, and Mineta. Instead, we saw Ochaco getting ambushed by those robots. Just before the buckets of bolts could get to her, Katsuki and I made an explosive entrance and saved her. Todoroki and Kiri join the fight and repel the bots using their Quirks, too. As I fought the tin cans off, I noticed Melissa and Izuku floating in the air. Ochaco is using her Quirk on them so they can reach that emergency exit up there. The wind threatened to carry Izuku and Melissa away, but I acted quickly. I tapped my power rings together and created a huge wave that swept more than half of the ugly vacuum cleaners right off the roof. I then used the flames on my feet to fly towards Izuku and Melissa.

"Hey!" I called out to them as I grabbed their ankles.

"Himawari!" Melissa and Izuku exclaimed simultaneously.

"Put your arms around me." I pulled my two friends closer to me. "We're going through that emergency exit and straight to the top!" Melissa wrapped her arms around my shoulders, but I instantly yelped when Izuku accidentally touched my breasts. "Watch your hands, Izuku!"

"Ah! I'm sorry! I-It was a-an accident, I-I swear! I really -"

"Touch my girlfriend again, and I'll rip your damn arms off, you shitty nerd!!" Katsuki roared while setting off explosions.

I guided Izuku's arm around my waist. "There! Now, let's get to the top already!"

I propelled the three of us to the emergency door. Ochaco released Izuku and Melissa from her Zero Gravity Quirk once we were inside. As we were making our way up the tower, another one of the villains suddenly showed up out of nowhere and attacked us. I got between the villains with the Sword Hand Quirk and my friends. I knocked the villain out by using the Power Rings to unleash a large masse of water and fling it with tremendous force at him. As a result, the attack slammed the guy into a wall and made him unconscious. The sword villain managed to cut my arm, so Izuku wrapped the scratch up for me with his handkerchief. Izuku and Melissa made sure I was okay before we continued our mission. Izuku and I fought our way through more of those henchmen until we finally reached the top floor of the tower. Together, we found two people inside some sort of vault. Izuku, Melissa, and I were hiding behind a corner so the strangers won't notice us.

"Who are those guys?" I asked in a whisper. "They don't look like they're associated with the villains, but... I don't know."

Melissa gasped. "That's Papa and Sam!"

"What!?" The man wearing the glasses and formal white suit turned his head, which gave me a better look at his face. He is definitely David Shield, Melissa's father and my parents' best friend. Mom and Dad told me a lot about him, and I saw a picture of him in Melissa's lab. The man next to the older Shield must be his assistant, Sam.

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